Chapter 13

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Azriel watched Soraya from the window with a smile plastered to his face. 

She looked peaceful where she had plopped herself down in a snowbank, odd as it was. After a short while of watching the sky, Soraya had closed her eyes. He worried she might fall asleep with how comfortable she seemed. For the first time, she looked nothing but content. The thought alone did funny things to his pulse.

When she eventually stood up and began dusting off her clothes, Azriel swept into the kitchen to prepare two mugs. Soon enough, Soraya tromped through the door attempting to knock all of the snow off her boots. She shivered once and looked up from the melting puddles on the floor, pausing at the sight of Azriel.

He flashed a warm smile and extended a newly filled, steaming mug toward her. Soraya narrowed her eyes, gaze flicking from his hand to his face.

"Hot chocolate," he explained simply. 

A frown tugged her mouth down at the corners while she slowly slid the coat from her shoulders and draped it over the back of a chair. She effortlessly stepped out of her worn boots, having neglected lacing them up. Her hair was a little damp where it fell down her back, from melting snow clinging to the strands. A rosy shade of red prodded her cheeks and the tip of her nose. She sniffled, reaching out to take the mug in both of her frozen hands.

"It's hot?" Soraya asked in confusion, raising the cup to her nose to smell its contents. 

Azriel chuckled softly. "Of course it's hot."

"I have never heard of anyone heating chocolate." She cocked her head and glanced back up at Azriel. His expression fell. He internally cringed when something akin to worry flashed in her eyes.

"Raya, have you never had hot cocoa?"

Soraya's frown deepened as she shrunk further into herself. Her cheeks, if possible, went a little more pink. She lifted the mug again, blowing the steam away while avoiding his eyes. For a moment, she didn't answer, which was an answer in itself.

"My parents were trying to make me into a lady. I drank tea mostly." Her face scrunched up to tell Azriel that she wasn't a fan of tea. That was alright. He would make her all the cocoa she could drink.

Azriel made a thoughtful sound as he sipped from his own mug. Soraya followed his lead after blowing one final time on the surface of her cocoa. 

"What were they trying to make you a lady for?" Azriel cupped his hands around his drink, savoring the warmth soaking into his palms.

"Marriage," Soraya grumbled into her cup. "Did I ever tell you I was betrothed?"

It took every bit of strength he'd gained from centuries of training and battle for Azriel to remain straight-faced. To keep from outwardly reacting aside from perhaps a subtle lift of his brows. Inside, he was spewing hot chocolate across the room, sputtering and choking on the word "betrothed."

"What happened?" He managed.

Soraya shrugged and took another sip. "I died." She cringed, apparently realizing how harsh it sounded. "Or... you know." Azriel nodded and she continued. "It didn't take him long to move on if the rumors are to be believed. I think he has a daughter now."

"I'm sorry," Azriel said quietly. Even if it was a lie that tasted like acid on his tongue.

"I'm not," Soraya snorted. Azriel blinked in surprise. "My parents sold my hand without my knowledge. I only met him twice."


"Twice was more than enough for me. He was an ass," Soraya uttered under her breath. Azriel chuckled.

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