Chapter 21

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Soraya's scream was barely heard by her own ears through the howling wind. 

It ripped at her clothes and tugged at her loose hair. Her arms flailed and she was faintly aware of catching Azriel's shin when her legs did the same.

Higher and higher, they went. Fear kept her eyes pinned open, unable to look away from the distant ground. Further and further, it fell away from them. Fading into the night's inky black.

It was so different, flying like this. Not cradled to Azriel's chest with her head buried in his neck. But facing the great expanse of land sprawling before them. Forced to bear witness to all that was. Nothing but his arms keeping her from death.

She shouted an involuntary curse when Azriel shifted behind her. Soraya slapped a hand over her mouth to silence herself. The Shadowsinger shook with laughter, deep and warm. She clung to that sound with everything she had.

"Relax," he managed through his obvious amusement.

They slowed until eventually stopping midair. Hovering in place with the barely perceptible up, down, movement of Azriel's wings keeping them afloat. She could see them working from the corner of her eye.

A chill rattled through her when she felt his lips at her ear. "Tell me what you see."

Soraya swallowed thickly, slowly peeling her hand away from her mouth. Her grip tightened on his hands cinched at her waist.

"The ground," she answered breathlessly. Gods, she was going to pass out.

"What else?" Azriel hummed. The sound was low and rumbled through his chest straight into hers.

When she was apparently silent for longer than he liked, Azriel gave her waist a squeeze. With some unknown willpower, Soraya was able to quit kicking her dangling legs. She sucked in a breath so deep that it hurt, letting it out impossibly slow.

Her wide eyes reluctantly lifted from the ground as she swallowed. Another careful breath and her head fell back against Azriel's shoulder. He held her tighter in turn.

The world seemed to quiet, the wind ceasing its onslaught. Perhaps she had only imagined its brutal blow. The only sound to be heard was the steady whoosh from each pump of Azriel's outspread wings.

Soraya forced her eyes to explore the surrounding darkness. Mountains were vague shapes on the horizon. Unseen beasts laid to rest. Behind them, the cabin's light pierced the night sky.

In the distance, nestled into the bowl-shaped land was the City of Starlight. The sight robbed her of breath. Her mouth popped open, though she didn't care enough to compose herself.

"Velaris," Soraya whispered. 

Its lights twinkled like a thousand burning suns. A blanket of stars was draped over the city, more than she had ever seen at once. Illuminating the night into a day of its own. She didn't realize there could be so many colors packed within the night.

It shouldn't have surprised her, the extravagance of the night sky in the Night Court. But it left her awestruck. Blinking dumbly at one of the most amazing things she had ever seen.

Azriel let her have a few more moments to gawk before saying against the top of her head, "Deep breath."

Wordlessly, Soraya did as instructed. She choked on her surprise when shadows consumed them, swirling around and spitting them into the sky once more. Where they began to fall.

Azriel, still securing her to his chest, was beneath her. Nothing but the star-flecked sky stretched on above. But there was a tugging in her gut. Down, down, down toward a ground that she couldn't see. 

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