Chapter 50

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A frustrated sound left her when she stumbled a step, pausing for a moment to ensure her balance. Soraya blew a piece of hair from her face and tried again. Another step. Another. Miraculously, she managed a few more steps without rolling her ankle.

Soraya lifted the hem of her dress enough to see her shoes, making sure to frown at them so they understood just how much she despised them. They were shiny and black and regal and felt like walking on toothpicks. How she was expected to stay standing was beyond her, let alone walk around.

Nuala and Cerridwen had long left, and Elain lagged behind only a few minutes to clasp the row of buttons along the spine of Soraya's dress. Morrigan left not long after dropping off the shoes and downing half a glass of wine. Leaving Soraya alone, standing in front of the mirror with a thoughtful look. Brows drawn together.

She studied herself closely, hardly recognizing the woman in the mirror. The pink on her cheeks wasn't only from the makeup that painted her face.

Nuala and Cerridwen hadn't gone too overboard in that regard. They kept it simple with a subtle smoky look to the lids of her eyes. Her lashes were curled and coated in something strange that left them feeling a little heavy and made her want to rub her eyes. Though she'd been strictly warned against doing so. Elain had managed to encourage her hair into loose curls that fell so perfectly against her face she was hesitant to move for fear of messing it up.

There was no doubt that her dress was of the Night Court fashion. The soft base fabric was a deep, dark midnight blue so near to black that it could likely be confused if not for the slight contrast with her shoes. She turned a little to see herself from a different angle.

From her hips down was the long, smooth skirt. A slit ran down the side, revealing her left leg every time she took a step with it. The burns below her hip on display. Above her hips, the bodice was sheer black and clung to her like a second skin. It formed a low-cut V shape down her body. Dipping all the way down past her belly button. Only ending where the skirt began.

Soraya couldn't help the blush rising up her neck.

A large portion of her chest was on display, though swirling black detail-work kept the most private parts of her hidden. The sharp V cut across her breasts and up her shoulders, leaving her neck and collarbone wide open. The sheer fabric hugged the length of her arms in full, tight sleeves. Delicate lace patterns spilled across her hand.

She let loose a shaky breath and nervously spun Azriel's ring around her finger, inspecting herself from every angle. Soraya couldn't possibly go out in public in such a dress. Not with so much of her on display. Her eyes darted to the window to see that night had fallen over the city of Velaris. Did she have time to change her clothes?

Soraya stilled when footsteps echoed across the wooden floor downstairs. If there was a knock, she hadn't heard it. Cassian's voice called from the living area, but her heart was pounding so loud in her ears that she hardly heard what he said.

His voice rang again, teasing, "I've come to collect you, my lady."

She sucked in a breath and briefly considered slamming the bedroom door shut and locking it. He was there before she could move and inch. The general froze in the doorway. He blinked a few times, stunned, hazel eyes trailing down to her toes. Soraya pushed her embarrassment aside and dragged forth a tight-lipped smile.

"Cassian," she greeted awkwardly. Fiddling anxiously with the skirt of her dress when he continued to stare. "Don't look at me, I'm sulking."

His lips pulled up into a smile and Cassian shook his head in amusement. He stepped forward into the room and took her hand. Surprising her further, he dipped his head and kissed her knuckles.

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