Chapter 7

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"Have you gone to see her yet?"

Azriel glared at the barely winded Cassian and lifted his practice sword to parry another blow.

"No," he answered. Plain and simple. 

No, he had not paid his mate a visit despite her having been stowed away in the Town House for a day and a half. No, he hadn't spoken a word to her since threatening her life. That didn't mean she slipped his mind for even a second, though. She was always there, his mate. Reeking of death and decay. Blood leaking from her nose and filling her mouth to stain her teeth. Driving a knife into Rhysand's shoulder. Shouting and kicking and clawing like a crazed animal. She was always there.

Nearly five and a half centuries Azriel waited for his mate. And now that he had found her, finally found her, he feared she would gouge his eyes out should he try to talk to her. Rhysand had assured him that he was able to hold a relatively normal conversation with her. But still, Azriel couldn't get her empty eyes out of his head.

"I don't think I have ever seen you so distracted," Cassian chuckled. Azriel blinked and looked down to see the tip of a practice sword pressed against his chest.

He batted Cassian's sword away and huffed, letting his own weapon slip through his fingers. Cassian laughed again as Azriel stalked away and lowered himself onto the bench, resting his forearms on his knees.

"Come on, Az," Cassian sang cheerfully. He ruffled Azriel's sweaty hair, earning himself a scowl. "You can't ignore her forever."

Couldn't he, though? But, gods, did he want to see her.

"She's insane," Azriel groaned. 

That wasn't entirely true, he remembered. It was the witch's charm driving her mad. Cassian plopped down beside him, close enough that Azriel felt the need to scoot a few inches away to keep their sweat-slicked skin from touching.

"The good ones always are," Cass smirked. When met with nothing but silence, the grin melted away and he sighed. "Seriously. She's your mate, Azriel. You only get one and you won't get to have her forever."

Azriel's stomach twisted at the reminder. She was human. So fragile and short-lived. 

"At least give it a shot or you'll be left with nothing but what-ifs."

The silence stretched on until Cassian nudged him with his shoulder. Azriel's wings tucked in a bit tighter.

"You still listening? This is important stuff."

Azriel couldn't help the tugging at the corners of his lips. Cassian smiled at the sight of it.

"Talk to her, get to know her, and make her fall helplessly in love with you."

Azriel rolled his eyes. "I think you skipped a few steps."

Cassian shrugged as he hoisted himself to his feet and scooped up a practice sword. "Minor technicalities."

"That was a big word," Azriel joked. 

Cass snorted. "Yeah, yeah. Get up so I can kick your ass again."


Azriel stood rigid at the front door. The Town House loomed tall before him, like a monstrous foe he was meant to battle. The real battle would be inside, he knew. But first he had to get through the front door.

He couldn't decide whether or not it would be appropriate to knock. Mor, Rhys, and Feyre were the only ones who could winnow into the Town House. Not that he would anyway. He would rather not pop up out of nowhere and startle the woman inside. But to knock would mean she was supposed to answer the door. Which wouldn't be possible when the door was locked to her.

Touched by the Flame || Azriel ShadowsingerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang