Chapter 53

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A snort of amusement echoed from the bedroom doorway. Soraya scowled as she was roused from sleep, stuffing her head under her pillow. She buried herself deeper beneath the covers. Hoping to disappear with enough effort.

"You look like shit, Sora." Cassian's voice pressed deeper into the room.

She grumbled her frustration when the pillow was yanked away. Leaving the fresh morning light to spear through the blinds, making her wince and roll away.

"Go away." Her voice was muffled around the bed sheets she tugged up over her head.

Another chuckle from the general. He threw the pillow at her, making her grunt in surprise. Cassian pulled the blanket away from her face, peeking down at her.

"Have you bathed?" His nose wrinkled. "Because you smell like shit too-"

Soraya shoved a hand into his chest in an attempt to push him away. "Fuck off."

His grin only broadened. "I think that's my shirt."

Frustrated, Soraya snatched up the discarded pillow and whacked him with it. Which only served to make him laugh. Cassian's wings tucked tighter, and he groaned as he lowered himself onto the bed beside her. 

He laid on his back atop the comforter, hands lifting and falling beneath the back of his head like a makeshift pillow. Legs crossed at the ankles and eyes closed. The perfect picture of ease.

Huffing in annoyance, Soraya sat upright, half of her sleep-mussed hair falling into her face as she glared down at him. She was tempted to strangle him, though her hands probably wouldn't fit around his neck. 

"What do you want?"

"Scrambled eggs would be wonderful, actually." He smirked as he peeked an eye open.

Her eyes narrowed into a dagger sharp glare. "I'll castrate you."

Cassian tsked, rolling onto his side and propping his chin up with a hand. "So violent."

Soraya threw the blankets at him as she slid out of bed, wearing oversized sweats and a far-too-big t-shirt with holes in the back cut for wings. Old clothes she found in one of the dresser drawers last night. Shedding her dress for something marginally more comfortable.

"You knew Azriel was keeping it from me, didn't you?" She said, folding her arms. It wasn't a question so much as a statement.

Cassian sighed, sitting up again, "Yeah, Sora. I knew."

Soraya looked away, her jaw clenching painfully. Her fingers curled into white-knuckled fists tucked beneath her elbows.

The realization made her a little sick. Knowing that everyone knew about Azriel's secret. She was the only one out of the loop. The only one completely oblivious to the fact that she had a mate. It was enraging. Frustrating. Hurtful and embarrassing.

"You should have told me," she managed.

Cassian's lips twisted in something akin to a thoughtful frown.

"If you heard it from me- If I was the one to tell you that Azriel was your mate, you would be angry all the same, would you not?"

Soraya's brow twitched, her expression hard and unrelenting as stone. She shifted, cocking the brunt of her weight onto her good hip.

"You would be even more upset with him had he not told you himself. I thought he would do it sooner. We all did. I'm sorry it took so long for the truth to come out."

Soraya sucked in a breath. Forced it slowly out through her nose again.

"I take it everyone knows?" 

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