Chapter 17: The tender heart beats for two

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Upon entering the hull of the ship, Soundwave could tell something was.... Off  in a sense.

The silence remained undisturbed, unusually so. Now he much preferred the silence rather than the bustling loud noises. This, however, this... wasn't normal. His mind swarmed with worry as his pedes clicked against the floor in a quick manner, instinctually heading over to Megatron's command center.

has something happened? Why were the walls so quiet? Where did everyone go?

Soundwave's uniform felt tight, constrictive even. Making it feel like a snake had wrapped its scaly tail around his throat cables as his motor functions began to thrum with the sound of building anxiety. His coolant tanks working overtime in order to make sure he didn't overheat at that exact moment. The air felt tense, like water that had been frozen. He passed by a few other Decepticons, but even then, those small few were all looking at him, faces showing... sadness?

Soundwave was beginning to feel... dread.

Soundwave paused at the entrance to Megatron's command center. The room seemed tense and foreboding, as if there was a certain hostility behind it.

He vented, before Soundwave pressed the access button, opening the door to see-

"Ah, Soundwave. Now that you're here the meeting can begin..." Megatron's voice caught Soundwave off guard slightly, he paused, blinking once. Was there a meeting? that he wasn't aware of? He took a cursory glance around the room, spotting Starscream, Hook, Snare and... Shockwave. The scientist sat next to Megatron; optic glared right at him.

He figured that Shockwave had called the meeting...

"So, Shockwave, would you like to fill us in on why you called us here?" Megatron flicked his attention lazily over to the scientist, the lids of his optics half open.

"Of course, lord Megatron." he clears his vocal cords, Soundwave takes a small moment to sit down. "At around the 20th cycle, cassette bot, designation; Flipsides, was seen Running out of my laboratory in a state of panic."

Soundwave felt his spark sink as Shockwave played the clip, showing Maxie, as she ran from the lab. the poor kid looked like she saw hell itself.

"I speculate that Soundwave's cassette, wandered into my lab and interacted with one of the experiments, leading to one of them breaching containment" Shockwave took a pause, glaring at Soundwave for a moment before continuing on "although the damage wasn't too particularly grave, it would theoretically set us back a... mere few days-"

"I say we punish the little byte, teach Soundwave's cassettes not to go poking around places they don't belong!" Starscream snidely suggested, his face turned into a sneer as he made a side glance at Soundwave, Hook raised his brow before letting a grin slip.

"Desist." Soundwave hissed at Starscream, towering over the seeker before flicking his attention back to Megatron, who by this point looked tired of this meeting already. "Query: soundblaster?"

"Soundblaster?" Megatron repeated back, brow raised in question as his head rested on his servo.

"Soundblaster: watching cassettes" Soundwave took note to clarify.

Megatron's expression didn't change, he simply turned around to glance at Shockwave.

"Affirmative, Sounblaster is confirmed to have been taking command over Soundwave's cassettes at time of incident." Shockwave answered.

"Well then..." as Megatron got up, joints thrumming under his sheer mass, "as I see it, soundblaster should be punished...'' and with a simple flick of the hand, the warlord left the room "Meeting dismissed."

After Megatron left, a few kliks of silence passed before the room began to fill out. Soundwave felt the unyielding gaze of Shockwave blaze into the back of his helm as he walked past Hook, who muttered "waste of time."

 under his breath. As he left, Thundercracker walked over to him. "I'm sure... that you've been told."

"Affirmative" Soundwave cut him off, "please, show me where she is..." Soundwave's voice trickled with faint hints of worry as Thundercracker lead him by the servo.

The pair walked in silence, Soundwave feeling the bliss of the past few hours with Jazz leave. Guilt shrinking him into a husk in face of his consequences. Guilt from knowing that what he had done was... treason, and now he's paying for it in the worst way possible.

 "We're here..." Thundercracker spoke, letting go of Soundwaves hand. The blue mech looked down, he faced a plain metal wall. His optics traveled to the vent below, a simple scan indicated that Max had crawled inside.

"I'll leave you two alone, the rest of the cassettes should be back at your quarters..." Thundercracker stated, his gaze downcast as his wings hung low.

"Thank you: Thundercracker" Soundwave spoke, watching the seeker leave.

The blue mech knelt down, in a rather awkward position as he crouched down low enough to see Max.

 "Maxie?" His tender voice prompted a shift from the shadows, Max. She looked at him for a bit, not speaking, before crawling out. Soundwave moved back a bit to give her the space that she needed.
The sight was hard for Soundwave. Max's hair felt damp with sweat, eyes puffy and general frame looked frail. She almost looked completely different from hours earlier.

"Do... you wish for me to carry you?" Soundwave asked, arms behind his back, Max nodded.

Soundwave outstretched his servos, carefully wrapping them around Max as he hoisted her up into his grasp. She felt light, lighter than most of his cassettes. Her head rested on his shoulder, under his neck. Soundwave sighed softly, gently rubbing the curls of her hair as he proceeded to walk towards his quarters.

He could have said something, he wanted to say something. But, he let the silence fill the space instead.

For a tender second, his sparkbeat fell in sync with Max's heart, a soft duet. Like it was trying to comfort her. Soundwave hoped that his actions came across as comforting, safe. 

 The moment ended as approached the foot of the entrance to his quarters.

 Carefully, Soundwave closed the door, he cast a glance to the cassettes, whom only returned with wary gazes. He was gentle though, as he passed by his cassettes, sending them pings of comfort and apology, as he proceeded to place a sleeping Max down onto the berth, laying a cloth over her small frame.

 His servo rested on her forehead, brushing aside the small clumps of hair that gathered above her forehead.

For now, he just wanted Max to feel safe.


OH MY PRIME, i am sooooo sorry this took soo long to post, no i did not die! i am very much alive!!!

i was going to keep a schedule, but then it was christmas break so i thought "oh i'll take a break for winter" and then it slowly turned into a MONTH and then before i knew it! it had been nearly five months!!

i think the main reason for it was because i was literally pushing out chapters that were over 12 pages long, and just got burnt out (young writers take note) btw THANK YOU TO MY BETA READER, YOU ARE A GOD OMG

..:the TRANSFORMERS will return after these messages:..

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