chapter 4: Reminder

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It had been around 3 megacycles since Max, or Maxie as his cassettes had began to call her, arrival. Soundwave had just gotten done coming back from one of Megatron's meetings, walking down the hall to his berthroom.

Soundwave opened his door, locking it behind him as he entered. Soundwave went over to ravage, who was situated on the berth, he lightly scratched the cyber-panther's chin as ravage informed Soundwave about what happened that day inside his room. Obviously, nothing much.

Soundwave turned over to see the twins and Max, who were all playing one of the various card games that the twins tried to teach Max (after Soundwave carefully explained to her the rules). Soundwave made an audible clicking noise to grab their attention. The twins heard him alright but Max didn't seem to, it wasn't until after Frenzy nudged her that she finally acknowledged Soundwave, giving him a sheepish wave.

"h- hi Soundwave...'' Max said, her words a bit muddled together, which was what Soundwave has come to expect of Max after being with her. He went up to the trio and gave them something to eat. the twins, fuel, as for Max it was usually a sandwich of sorts.

"thanks boss"

"thank boss"

" thank you Soundwave"

Buzzsaw and laserbeak both flew down over to greet him. Lazerbeak perched closer to Soundwaves neck, practically nestling themself into the mech's neck-cables. Buzzsaw on the other hand sat comfortably on his shoulder. Soundwave gave them both their share of energon, then flicked his attention over to the bat minicons who were asleep, so was Squawktalk too.

Not wanting to wake them up, he walked over to his armchair. Settling down, Lazerbeak perched herself comfortably next to Soundwave, Buzzsaw however had flown off by this point.

Soundwave quietly enjoyed the moment, however he couldn't help but take a small glance at Max. The human sparklet had made her "living arrangements'' in the corner of the room where many cloths had been contorted into a small nest of sorts. Max herself was seated amidst the nest, eating her sandwich. Sind the human had gotten here she had at least gotten used to his presence, although a bit weary of him.

Soundwave's train of thought was halted when he noticed the small fluttering of wings perch themself on his arm, Ratbat had woken up and settled himself on the table next to Soundwave. The cassette host lifted his arm up to the timid minicon, allowing it to settle on his servo. Ever so gently, Soundwave rubbed him with his thumb, making the cyber bat a bit more calm. He offered to Ratbat some bits of energon, but the cassette refused.

Soundwave had the feeling that Ratbat wanted to talk about something...

"Um.. Soundwave?" Ratbat sheepishly asked. Lazerbeak craned her neck over to look at Ratbat.

"Ratbat: permission to speak." Soundwave pinged Lazerbeak, telling her to give him and Ratbat a moment. The cyber-bird reluctantly left, which seemed to help alleviate the tension a bit.

"I was just wondering... about... you know, the human.." Ratbat's words were a bit drawn out, as if he was walking into a minefield, unaware of which spot was safe to cross.

"Maxwell: query?" Soundwave had a feeling he knew where this conversation was going, but continued, indulging the cassette.

"Well, you see... i was just wondering when you were gonna..." he paused a bit, unsure if he actually wanted to say it. "Take her home?" The last bit was significantly quiet, so much that Soundwave had to strain himself to even hear Ratbat.

He took a moment before deciding to respond.

"Ratbat's concerns: reasonable" the minicon almost seemed to perk up at that response, only to be shushed back by the next " order: dont. Worry. About. It". he then patted the cassette and settled him on the table before getting up to go take a shower.

After his much needed shower, he got the twins to go take one too.

"Soundwave says it's your turn to take a shower" Frenzy said after Rumble got out. " We keep the human stuff in the cupboard." spoke a quiet "thank you" before going in.

While Max was showering, Soundwave proceeded to look through his drawer for anything that could at least fit a human child. His clothes? Too big. The twins' clothes? Just a tad bit too large ( the twins were a few noticeable inches bigger than Max).

"Why don't you just have her wear the same clothes as before? You know, the ones she wore coming here?" Buzzsaw asked while Soundwave closed the middle drawer.

" Buzzsaw's suggestion: unsanitary." the cassette snorted a small chuckle. Soundwave was now looking though the last drawer, which was kept rather as a junk drawer of sorts. It was messy and filled with things Soundwave forgot about completely, some things he wasn't sure if he owned them or if it was his minicons own personal junk. One thing however caught his optic...

At first he didn't know what he was looking at, so he pulled it out. It had been shoved into the very bottom of the drawer, like it was a sunken ship.

Old and forgotten.

It was mostly pink, looked to be a uniform in the same vein as the twins, but Soundwave couldn't imagine who woul-

Very slowly, he recognized who it had belonged to, and the moment he made that realization, he shoved it back into the drawer and slammed it shut, the noise ricocheted off the walls, altering all his cassettes.

Lazerbeak flew over to Soundwave pinging feelings of concern. Soundwave pinged back relaxing feelings, wanting to ignore his discovery, he was about to head back to his desk until he heard the drawer being opened again.

Snapping his neck, he found Wingthing, who had managed to somehow open the drawer, looking at the uniform. Soundwave immediately grabbed the cassette and slammed the door shut with his pede, causing a sharp squeak from the cyber-bat.

It was that squeak that flicked Soundwave back to his senses, he began pinging the cassette apologetic feelings of comfort and loosened his grip on Wingthing. He turned his attention to the rest of the room, where it had gone unnaturally silent. Ratbat physically hid under the berth while the twins averted their eyes. Soundwave felt guilty after his outburst, clearly it had shaken up his cassettes.

Soundwave sat down on the berth, petting Wingthing lightly. Ravage went over to him and settled their head on his lap.

"Was this... about them?" Soundwave nodded.

The water had stopped running from Soundwaves private washracks, meaning that Max was probably done bathing.

"Do you want me to sneak over to the barracks and get something?" ravage suggested. Soundwave nodded again. Ravage took in a deep vent, leaving Soundwaves presence and going off to fulfill his request.



hello dear readers, its been a bit of a while since i updated this, i'll try to update every week (no promises tho). anyhow um... you may have noticed that my placement in the G1 tag has... gone down... *looks at below 100 place*

lol, anyhow um.. enjoy and thanks for reading

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