chapter 7: Underhanded Deals

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Soundwave sat down on a small table, closest to the door. The sky by this point had turned into a dark grey and navy-blue mixture. Soundwave was awaiting the arrival of Rumble and Frenzy. He had gotten messages from Lazerbeak and Buzzsaw, they were outside, but nothing from those two mischievous cassettes. The mech internally sighed, looking down to Ravage who flicked their tail in annoyance. It was like the twins to keep them waiting.

Soundwave, after his "lovely" chat with Jazz, had taken refuge in some mom-and-pop shop near over. He bought one of their pastries to seem less suspicious, not that he intended to eat it anyway. Both because he didn't require (or particularly enjoy for that matter) human food, and also because even if he could he'd probably end up just feeling sick afterward. The conversation with Jazz still stuck in his head, to which Soundwave was trying to drown out by instead thinking of other matters.

Such as Frenzy and Rumbles whereabouts...

Just like clockwork, the bell above the door rang out as it altered new customers. The twins had finally arrived.

Soundwave finally got up from his spot as Rumble and Frenzy approached him, both embracing him with a hug.

"Hi... mom" Frenzy awkwardly spoke out; Soundwave could see the exact moment in his optics where he realized the egregious error made on his part. Soundwave just patted his head lightly and walked them both out, taking a moment to give the store a small glance. Few were in the store, but nobody really seemed to care about the group, thankfully.

Outside, the sky was quickly darkening. Few people were about, mostly teens and young adults. Leading towards the outskirts of town, Soundwave asked Rumble.

" ehh... nothin' much really happened, some people were talking about a huge accident that happened." Rumble paused. "Well... that an there was this big group of people at the park, one of them handed us this"

Rumble dug into one of his pockets and he pulled out a crumpled-up piece of paper and handed it to Soundwave. Soundwave internally sighed as he took a moment to straighten out the paper. With big bold words, the top of the brochure read "MISSING PEOPLE''.

Soundwave suppressed a deep shudder and folded the paper into his pocket.

He could look at it later.

"The group said that they were called the Nevada Missing Persons Center, and they were setting up search parties to look for people and were in need of volunteers." Rumbled added on.

Soundwave, by this point had managed to finally reach the outskirts of the town, Lazerbeak and Buzzsaw flew down to greet him, both reporting on their findings.

Soundwave contacted groundbridge support to send down a portal to get back home. While waiting Soundwave wondered slightly what his other cassettes (and max for that matter were doing). He couldn't have expected them to have gotten into too much trouble while he was out...


The groundbridge opened up, snapping Soundwave out of his thoughts. He led his group though, once they were on the other side, Soundwave turned off his holoform.

Frenzy managed to shake himself out of Soundwave grasp and ran down a hall "race ya to the berth room!" Rumble followed after, Soundwave didn't have time to chase after them so instead left that to Ravage and the cyber-birds.

He had to report to the command room.

Soundwave walked down what felt like a maze. He swore the area felt somehow... constricted in a sense. Passing by a small band of drones Soundwave walked into the command room.

It was large, a stage led up to the control panel with drones working beneath it, but above all was Megatron, who in a rare manner was having a rather non-hostile conversation with Starscream. Soundwave walked up to the two, Megatron acknowledging him.

"Soundwave" Megatron waved over the mech. "You have news to report, yes?"

"Major damage: Cybertronian-caused. Casualties: 4-5 drones" Soundwave responded.

"Anything else?" Megatron prodded.

"Rumble and Frenzy: reported missing persons search parties being formed" Megatron and Starscream seemed to look at each other, an unreadable expression on their faces.

"Thank you, Soundwave, that will be all." Megatron spoke, and with that Soundwave took his leave.

Soundwave made the walk back to his berthroom, he was slightly tired. Between Jazz and Max, Soundwave had a lot on his plate. The mech was just about to go into deep thought about the events of the day, before suddenly...

He felt something...

Feelings, emotions, physical pains, no it wasn't any of that. It was rather a deeply rooted urge inside him. Something stronger.

A bond, many, and they were in danger.

Soundwaves paced quickened into a sprint, fears inside his head being realized.

What happened? What happened? WHAT HAPPENED?

It wasn't until he finally got to his berth room did he understand. Stood in the doorway were the twins, alongside Ravage and the cyber-birds. Inside the room was an overturned berth and scattered cards.

Soundwave felt his spark drop at the sight.

Ravage stepped forward, sniffing the area, their head perked up.

.:I got the scent, let's go:. Was all they pinged.

As Ravaged led the way Soundwave called out to the rest of his cassettes. "Stay '' Although he was sure the twins spoke out their opposition, he didn't listen.

He ran.

Soundwave bolted down hallways, following after Ravage, only stopped by a familiar noise.

"Soundwave! Soundwave wait!"


Soundwave begrudgingly halted and turned around to face the seeker. Thundercracker sprinted up to him, venting heavily.

"I heard you... you got back from your trip and i... i wanted to say..." he took another second to catch his breath. "I wanted to tell you someone broke into your room."

"Soundwave: aware."

The seeker continued, straightening up. "I saw who went into your room and went to go find you."

"Who?" Soundwave perked up at the information, thundercracker gestured towards another hallway, a very specific hallway where a very certain somebody lived...

Oh... he's in for it now...

Soundwave thanked thundercracker before continuing on the pursuit, ravage following beside him. Down this sector of hallways, pipes Apon pipes covered the walls. Some hissed with gas while others leaked with whatever primus-forsaken fluid they had in them.

Soundwave finally ended up at his door, and knocked on it, hard.

"Alright, alright I'm coming, I'm coming..." a distorted voice rang out before finally opening the door. "Oh... Soundwave... didn't expect to see you here..."

"Soundblaster" Soundwave spoke, a hint of resentment in his tone. "Cassettes: where are they?"

"Oh... is that all you came to look for?" Soundwave cheekily questioned. Oh... he knew. Ravage growled at the mech, and finally Soundblaster let the two in.

Inside, off to the corner were the missing cassettes, and max.

Squaktalk had a wing wrapped around max, who clearly had been shaken up by the encounter. Wingthing and Ratbat however seemed ok for the most part. Soundwave immediately went over to pick up his cassettes, plus max. The mech was about to leave for the door, until Soundblaster stood directly in front, blocking him off.

"Just a little question sounders..." the red and black mech gestured to max. "Why do you have a human onboard the nemesis?" Soundwave grew more hostile each second and would have gotten into a full-blown fist fight if it weren't for his cassettes.

I'm just asking cause... i think that it might be against the rules to bring any humans aboard the nemesis..." Soundblaster taunted, he had the upper hand, and he knew it. "It'd be a shame if someone like Megatron... or Shockwave were to find out. After all, you of all people would know what happens to any human who gets caught here..."

"What do you want?" Soundwave half hissed, a grimace forming under his mask. Soundblaster seemed to radiate with a distorted joy, almost as if he closed a black-market deal.

"Well maybe i could keep a secret... if you let me watch over your cassettes while you work." Soundblaster offered. The innocent offer to watch over some cassettes, although most mechs would be ok with, Soundwave wasn't. They were his cassettes.

Before he voiced his opposition, Soundblaster cut him off. "I mean, the only reason I got into your berthroom in the first palace was because there was nobody to look after the cassettes..." was... was that a threat? Soundwave thought. "Im just saying..."

And with that seed planted into his head, Soundblaster let the mech outside.


Soundwave managed to get back to his berthroom without encountering any other Cybertronians, which in of itself was great because the mech wasn't in any mood to deal with them.

Inside the room, the twins managed to clean up the mess and get the berth flipped back over to its proper position. Lazerbeak was on the other side, fixing the door systems since Soundblaster hacked his way in.

The cassette host placed the remaining cassettes onto the berth, before setting down himself. He was tired. Most of his energy was gone and he was just about to fall into recharge.

Until Max popped into his mind. He forgot to check up on max! Did Soundblaster do anything to her?

He unwillingly got up and took max aside. She had a slight tremble, similar to when she first got on this ship.

"Max did he do anything to you?" Soundwave asked, max didn't respond. Her hair was a mess, bangs covered her eyes and stands were out of place. Soundwave went to move some behind her ear to get a better look at her face until...


He felt a shock, an electric one, near Max's ear. He moved her hair so that he could get a better look. There was a device on her ear. It didn't look Cybertronian and looked more man-made than anything. As he took a look at it, Max moved his servos from her ear, away. She then got up and flopped down into her pile of cloth in the corner. In seconds, she was asleep.

Soundwave was left confused, but figured he would ask about it tomorrow. He took a look around his room, all of his minicons were asleep.

However, Soundwave wasn't, he couldn't, not right now. He sat down at his desk. His head full of thoughts, each one more concerning than the other.

Three people were on his mind, Soundblaster, max and Jazz. Max was in danger, Jazz was going to help, and blaster was going to ruin it.

The thoughts were interrupted when Soundwave remembered to empty his pockets. Inside he found a pastry, and the brochure.

He put the pastry away and took a further look at the brochure, he skimmed the contents

jackie townsend
dirty blond hair, brown eyes, 21 years old and 5 foot 1 inches.
last seen: in a red hoodie in the deen-grover park at 2:34 pm

carl morrision
black hair, blue eyes, 19 years old 6 foot 2 inches
last seen: blue sweatshirt, knock-out burger joint at 6:45 am

lisa macklemore
blond curly hair, blue eyes, 18 years old 5 foot 7 inches.
last seen: in a black sundress, with carrie monroe outside memorial high school at 3:30 pm

carrie macklemore
red afro hair, green eyes, 16 years old 5, 4 inches. wheelchair-user
last seen: brown overalls with green cardigan, with lisa monroe outside memorial high school at 3:30 pm

Soundwave read though the missing person reports. He turned the page over, where the list continued, showing four new missing persons.

todd ellieorths
brown hair, brown eyes, small scar on left cheek, 15 years old 5, 4 inches. cane user
last seen: black shirt, white sleeves, outside parents' home on wicker-street at 12:23 pm.

ollie witter
blond hair, pale blue eyes, 15, 5 feet 1 inches, blind
last seen: outside Gretchen's flower shop at 3:45 pm, accompanied by older brother.

james witter
red afro, freckles, blue eyes, 16 years old 5 feet 8 inches.
last seen: outside Gretchen's flower shop at 3:46 pm, accompanied by younger brother ollie witter.

The further down Soundwave went, the more uncomfortable he got. It wasn't until the last page did, he has his suspicions confirmed.

.Maxwell luis monroe Esquivel

short, reddish hair, dark green eyes, 9 years old, 4 feet 4 inches. deafness in both ears

last seen: wearing a green sweater. outside memorial high school with cousin, Rafael Jorge Gonzales Esquivel, at 3:49 pm.

Max was deaf.

Authors note:

OH MY [ Hyperlink Blocked]

i am soooo sorry for gettign this out late, this chapter was double the amount i wrote and jam-packed with info for later chapters. i had to make sure i didnt mess up on any of the stuff.

but the real reason as to why this chapter came out super late was because you see, i have my other book (transformers x warrior cats) which was the first book i wrote and i noticed how this book was almost about to exceed that books views, so i wanted to wait until that happened to celebrate (and give me tiem to edit the draft) and it went past, but then it didnt and it became this sort of game and then i forogt about it and then i remembered and was like "oh yeah, i gotta write the book"

then i came back and was like "to heck with it, im publishing the chapter anyway"

so yeah, super sorry. althought little forwarning, startign the chapter after the next chapter, updates might take a little bit longer to come out, this is just because chapters will actually be getting longer and thus it takes longer to edit.

so stay tuned,

also funny thing that happened while writing the draft for this chapter, for some reason it kept correcting megatron to megatrump and i dont know why. even now it still does it.

btw thanks for reading

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