chapter 2: gaslight, gatekeep, G I R L B O S S

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soundwave woke up from recharge, he was about to get ready for work until he remembered...

 the child....

he looked over to the corner of the room where "it" was last seen. asleep, wrapped in the cloth provided to them by yours truly. now that soundwave was in a much better headspace than yesterday, there were many questions to be asked. questions such as "what was he going to do with a human child?" "Did he plan on returning the child?" "Should he alert anyone about the human child? perhaps tell megatron or starscream?". soundwave would've continued to ponder these thoughts, however...

the child was waking up.

he sat down near the child as they awoke. it had stretched out their arms and rubbed its eyes until it had noticed the mech. when their eyes did lay on soundwave, there was first confusion, then recognition, then fear. the child opened its mouth agape as if they were going to scream. its arms placed themselves in front of them, blocking their head, as if soundwave was going to beat them and this was just their feeble attempt at a defense. soundwave vented, taking their hands into his, holding them softly, and placing them down to look at the child.

"Soundwave: no intentions of hurting human sparklet". soundwave paused himself for a moment, before continuing. " autobots: left human sparklet, behind." the humans eyes widened a bit before soundwave realized his mistake and quickly added in "by accident". they still had the same shock in their face, but at least it didn't look like they were about to cry.

"autobots return unlikely. human sparklet: will be kept here."

the last words caused the human child to rip their hands out of soundwaves servos.

"But-" was the only word that came out of its mouth before soundwave cut it off.

"For the time being..." soundwave dropped his more "professional" speaking patterns in hopes of coming off less as a threat to the child, his voice still having the familiar sense of calm sternness in it.

"it's not that I wish to keep you here against your will." the mech raised his servos up into the air, showing that he wasn't a threat. " But I'm afraid that there is no way for you to leave. you're on a ship, a spaceship. the only mode of transportation that is safe enough for humans is kept under heavy watch."

the human seemed to buy it, thankfully. the child leaned back into the wall, more relaxed. soundwave put his servos down. he took notice with how the human's lower lip quivered noticeably, causing them to bite down on it in order to stop.

it was trying not to cry.

he lightly patted the head of the human, something he would sometimes do with his own minicons, before finally getting up off the ground. he walked over to where he held his energon supply. it was at this point where his room came to life, his minicons waking up from their recharge. buzzsaw and lazerbeak  both flew down over to soundwave, pinging him good morning. he indulged his "flock", offering them some energon, they took it happily. while soundwave was feeding the two birds, he heard a small "eep!" over, looking up he saw that ratbat and wingthing  seemed to have seen the guess and went over to inspect the visitor.

ratbat and wingthing, compared to the human sparklet, were large. their wingspan was almost as long as its arms. ratbat flew down on top of the human's head while wingthing landed on its arm. the human, to give it credit, didn't freak out apon the large creatures near it. it was however very uneasy with them. soundwave walked over to the human, taking both ratbat and wingthing off them.

"Hey boss, whos that?" ratbat asked curiously. all eyes were on max now.

"Everyone: human designation...." soundwave gestured to the human with his hand.

"Oh.... uh..." the human sparklet, rather clumsily, spat out. "My ... my name- its maxwell...".

"Is it staying with us?" wingthing asked.

"affirmative" soundwave placed his minicons down on the desk, then turned his attention onto frenzy and rumble, who at this point began to fully awake.

"Rumble, frenzy: alert." the twins heads perked up, eyes snapped wide open.

" Human designation: maxwell, maxwell, frenzy and rumble" soundwave gestured them to each other. "Order: watch human. do not allow to leave room".

rumble was about to ask a question, but frenzy butted in "on its boss bot". soundwave then alerted buzzsaw though their shared bond.

"Make sure of it, watch them."

"of course,"
buzzsaw wordlessly nodded.

and with that soundwave waved goodbye to all his minicons (plus max) before leaving the room to work.

when soundwave left, frenzy and rumble both turned to face the newcomer.

"So... your max?"


the trio, rumble frenzy and max all gathered together in the corner. usually rumble and frenzy would venture outside the room, much to soundwaves annoyance. this time, however, they couldn't so instead opt to play a card game instead. or well tried to play one...

between the twin's horrible explanation and max's poor grasp of the instructions, they didn't get very far. rumble, with maxwells help, was constructing a tower of cards while frenzy laid down, bored.

max tried to start up some conversation.

"When" max strained to try and remember what the blue robot was called.

"Soundwave?" frenzy finished her sentence.

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