chapter 3 : raf freaks out over his cousin

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"Miko, you left Max on the Nemesis?!" Raf said less as a question and more as a accusation towards miko.

"We got separated when a vehicon found us."  miko retorted back defensively. "i thought cliff jumper found her". she pointed at cliffjumper.

"Hey now, don't try to blame this on me. you were the one that followed us through the groundbridge, if anything it's your fault you followed us." jazz flicked a finger at cliffjumpers head for his unneeded comment on the situation.

"Guys calm down" jack interjected in-between his friends, hoping to prevent them from getting into some kind of brawl on the floor. not that raf and miko were the type to duke it out exactly.... ok miko maybe...

for a moment the room was bustling with accusations, unwarranted insults and in general banter. jazz had enough of it and banged his hand on a pipe, which rattled though out the base and getting everyone's attention.

jazz took in a deep sigh before finally getting down to the kids, mostly raf's level.

" raf, kid, i know your worried about your cousin right now. thing is, we aren't in any condition to go back. the cons know we were there and are probably on lookout for us." he gently explained.

" So... we're... we're just going to do nothing?!" raf spoke, jazz would've responded with something to comfort the kid, but a ground bridge opened up.

out from the groundbridge came ratchet, arcee... and optimus prime.

nobody dared move, keeping their eyes fixated on the trio as they came. the air was stale and quiet, like the moments before a bar fight. it was arcee who broke the silence.

"Did something happen while we were out?"

arcees choice of words struck a uneasy chord with everyone looking at each other, nobody sure on what to say.

it was jazz who stepped out Infront of everyone.

" Prime, sir, one of the children got stuck on the nemesis under my watch." he spoke with a certain calmness. optimus stood still while ratchet, who was behind him, counted the kids with his finger. his eyes glazing over everyone twice to make sure he wasn't forgetting anyone.

"But how's that possible? all the children are here jazz " ratchet voiced, confused on the matter. the room once again became silent.

nobody had explained to prime who max was...

" The child... is my cousin max.." raf sheepishly walked out, all eyes were on him. despite the uncomfortable attention, raf continued. " You see max was visiting for a while and my mom wanted me to bring her along, so i thought it would be fine to bring her into the base..." raf paused a second, his nerves finally getting to him as he stood quietly, unsure of what to say.

"In raf's defense, i was the one who said that it would be ok to take her into the base without your permission". jazz walked up to raf's side and put a servo on his shoulder.

"And the only reason she got stuck in the first place was kinda because of me..." miko awkwardly stepped out towards raf, surprisingly. 

for the third time, silent air struck the room again, this time the atmosphere was thick and rife with tension and fear. optimus, who hadn't said anything up to this point glanced at ratchet for a second, before finally speaking.

"Jazz, a word."

optimus, jazz and ratchet all talked privately, out of view from the rest of the base. cliffjumper was filling arcee in on what happened while she was out while everyone seemed to among themselves about what the next proper course of action would be.

all but raf and bumblebee, who stood to the side. raf sat down at one of the chairs provided, bumble bee trying to keep him company.

bee tried to break the silent spell between the two by beeping a few words of comfort over to raf.

"th-thanks bee..." raf replied. "But it's just... what am i going to tell my mom?"


Authors note:

O M G. thank you guys so much for the support. at the time of writing this im in third place at the G1 tag and i could not be happier.

on another note, sorry for the slow and short update, the reason why this took so long was kinda because originally i was going to draw a picture to go along with this chapter of raf, but then art block hit and didnt.

so uh.. things to note...

1. yes this taking place in the tfp timeline... sorta- ish... not really.. let me explain-
yes im using the setting, but thats kinda it. im not going by the tfp timeline and certain interpretations of the characters (or really any of the characters because everyone is human in this au, but you know what i mean)

2. the reason i wrote this chapter. so in most of the fics ive seen on here, most people kinda ignore "team prime" for literally the entire fic and they are never brought up again, and if they are they arent really plot relevant. i wanted to at least have them be somewhat plot relevant in my fic because you know... tension and stuff.

3. so i kinda noticed that there isnt very many human transformers fics and thus different interpretations of them and etc. so i thought i'd just get this out of the way beforehand because i dont know how i would ever explain this in the book but,

the transformers in this AU are literally just magical girls, like for real just magical girls (not that their wearing puffy dresses and using wands and magic, but like in concept of how the autobots are protecting humanity and fighting the decepticons who are trying to spread despair/ take over the world).

in other words, imagine the entire plot of transformers, but instead as if they were magical girls and thats how im writing the guys in this fic.

anyways see you later and bye!!

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