chapter 5: out on the town

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"Leaving: strictly forbidden. Cassettes plus Max: understand?" Soundwave bowed down to the level of some of his cassettes, those being Wingthing, Ratbat and Squawktalk. After receiving a nod from them he looked over to Max, who also nodded. Satisfied, he got up.

"Response: accepted. Goodbye" and with a small wave goodbye, Soundwave left. Assured that hopefully, nothing too bad would happen while he was out.

The day was going to be rather... eventful to say the least. Soundwave was being assigned to do some investigative field-work. This was rather the special occasion for Soundwave as rarely did he ever do field-work, being the Decepticons communications chief and all.

Nonetheless, Soundwave arrived at the "bridge-room", where they stored the only groundbridge the nemesis had that was functional. It was old and flimsy, Soundwave himself always got a headache after using it.

Whoever was operating the bridge that day gave the go-ahead to Soundwave. Soundwave carefully took both Rumble and Frenzy's servos as he stepped onto the groundbridge, Ravage kept at his leg and both cyber-birds sat on his shoulders.

He always had an uneasy feeling that one of these days the bridge was going to malfunction and shoot one of his cassettes off to some random location thousands of miles away.

Primus they need to fix it...

The coordinates were picked, and Soundwave was promptly sent through and down to earth. After getting there he rechecked the coordinates.
The bridge got it right, this time.

They were in Jasper, Nevada. Why here? apparently, a very bad accident had happened here recently involving both some Decepticons and Autobots.

Soundwave turned to focus his attention on his cassettes, first starting with Buzzsaw and Lazerbeak.

"Operation: survey. Do not engage" and with that, both cyber-birds left, making Soundwave then focusing his attention on the twins.

"Rumble, Frenzy. Activate holoforms." Rumble went first, activating his holoform. He took the appearance of a young boy, around the ages of ten to twelve. He wore a striped shirt with shorts and black converse. Frenzy's holoform had a graphic-tee with black lining and a faded brand logo. Both boys had short curly hair, although Frenzy had black while Rumbles was more of a darker brown. Soundwave ruffled their hair a little bit before sending them on their own way.

This left Soundwave alone with Ravage.

Ravage dawned his holoform, a Doberman with a service animal vest. Soundwave's holoform was of an adult. He wore a Hawaiian shirt with a white-tee and brown pants. A pair of noise-canceling headphones hung around his neck. After activating his holoform, Soundwave went into the town.

soundwave had less of a plan and more of a objective. They were just trying to collect information after all, not really planning to fight in public. Soundwave headed into the busier, job district of town while the twins handled the neighborhoods.

Soundwave put his headphones on the moment a truck drove past him, the noise just barely being blocked out. Thankfully it wasn't a red or blue truck, red and blue would be a problem.

He held on tightly to Ravage's handle as they both crossed the street, people were shoving past him in the tight space. he later learn, or rather saw, why.

The second interaction, the one that was supposed to be here, was taped off. Police cars blocked the area as cops surveyed the grounds, either that or they were shooing away prying eyes.

The reason? A car crash... if you wanted to call it that. It was clear to Soundwave that the car in question was some poor Vehicons alt-mode which had been pounded and crashed directly into a building. Soundwave took a mental note of this and left after an officer started to physically shoo him away from the site.

Almost ironically, down the road there seemed to be another car crash. This time it had looked as if the Vehicons alt-mode had caught fire and nearly burned down the establishment near it by the looks of charred remains and the fire department nearby.

To say Soundwave was puzzled would be an understatement. "Why cause this much damage over some Vehicons?" Soundwave asked himself internally.

Ravage had begun to pull him away from the scene and behind a corner, taking Soundwave out of his thoughts. He pinged the cyber-panther about what they were doing.

"Don't look, we're being followed" was all Ravaged and they responded through their bond. The knowledge made Soundwave slightly quickening his pace, hoping to lose their unwanted adversary.

Unsurprisingly, much to Soundwaves annoyance, they were persistent.

By this point the sun was going down, turning the sky into a reddish-purple haze. Soundwave by this point was still playing a rather boring game of cat and mouse. After supposedly losing their follower, he sat down at a bus stop, planning to call in his cassettes and go back to the ship.

"Rumble, Frenzy: meet up. Leaving soon. Same with Lazerbeak and Buzzsaw." Soundwave pinged his cassettes. Staring out the window while Ravage kept his head on his lap while sitting down on the floor of the bus.

For a small bit, it was quiet. Soundwave finally took off his headphones, sliding them back around his neck. Letting out a sigh as the bus stopped to let more people get on the bus.

However, only one person got on the bus. Ravage perked up his head towards the stranger, alerting to Soundwave that this was the person following them.

Soundwave finally got a good look at his little "stalker". They had dark skin; their hair was short with small curls. A pair of blue aviator glasses covered their eyes, which were no doubt staring at him. He wore a blue shirt, covered by a white jacket with black inner lining. Soundwave, oddly enough, found him attractive in a way.

The stranger proceeded to quickly walk over to Soundwaves spot and promptly sit down, right next to him. Soundwave internally sighed as he had the realization of who the stranger was now.

"You're bad at keeping a low profile, ya know?" The voice, undeniably, was Jazz's, much to Soundwaves dismay.

"Why have you followed me here?" Soundwave spoke in a low, hushed voice as to not bring too much attention to either of them.

"Oh, depends... on what you're willing to tell me..." Jazz let out a smirk, Soundwave wasn't sure how, but clearly...

Jazz knew...

"I have her." Soundwave said it. bluntly

"Is she safe?" Jazz asked, his face getting into a more serious tone.

"Of course, she is, I'm not a monster Jazz." Soundwave felt slightly offended at the implication that he would hurt any youngling, Cybertronian or not.

"You're a con now soundy, what else am I supposed to expect..." Jazz's words stung a bit, but Soundwave continued.

"she's hiding in my berthroom, nobody knows about her and -"

"Do ya plan to give her back?" Jazz interrupted Soundwave, his face had dropped the smirk completely and was now dead serious. Soundwave paused for an uncomfortably long moment before Jazz sent a deadly glare at him.

"Well?" he asked, repeating the question. "Do ya plan to give back the kid?"

"That... depends..." Jazz's glare sharpened. soundwave knew jazz wasn't one to completely blow up on someone, or at him at least. still... soundwave couldn't lose this opportunity at hand, and thus he carefully continued onwards...

 "I need you to do something for me..." Jazz stood still, unchanging. Then, he let out a small chuckle.

"So, you're going to bargain with me? Using a child? Soundwave that's a lil' tasteless of you, don't cha' think?" Soundwave could feel a rising growl start in Ravage; he patted them on the head lightly to stop.

"I assure you, this is necessary "Jazz paused, then leaned in.

"Well then... I'm all receptors..."



wow, so... the story is finally picking up in terms of plot and im really excited for it. btw yes, jazz will be appearing more as the series progresses.

btw thanks for reading!!

p.s.: ok so origonally for the holoform transformation scenes, i was going to make them have actual magical girl transformations (because i thought it would be so funny if i actually did that) but went against it because well... it clashed a bit too much with the actual tone of the chapter and was a bit too silly


Nemesis Intruder (transformers)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz