Chapter 16

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Gojo stood still, his eyes glossy and fixated on the newborn child he held in his arms. The baby was a spitting image of him, with the same shock of white hair and a complexion as pale as his. Gojo cradled the child with an almost supernatural tenderness as if he were holding something incredibly precious. He gazed at Wanda with such intensity that it was clear they were his entire world, the one place where he belonged and felt complete.

"You are an indescribable miracle of my life, Wanda".

A sharp pain went through Wanda's chest at those false memories as she woke up with a trembling gasp, her earlier smile washed away by the fact that this was never true. It was all Wanda's made-up reality to cope with the losses, and now those false memories haunt her with what-ifs. It was a cruel reminder of something she'll never have.

She got up on shaking limbs and walked outside, looking upon the mountainous terrain where she took refuge after the incident at Westfield. She's been here for quite a few weeks, diving into herself and what her powers are truly capable of now that she has awakened as the Scarlet Witch.

She lowered herself and sat on the steps of her house, the loneliness of these chilling mountains pained her yet they also gave her refuge.
Ever since she was a child, her heart was never on a pedestal. It had already fallen and broken into pieces, it was her twin brother Pietro who carried her broken pieces in his palms. He was her heart, but then he also died and the pieces fell into trillion more pieces which were later swept like dust.

The place where a heartbeat was now left with a void that always reminded Wanda of how empty she was and always will be. No matter how many people she meets, they end up enlarging the void.
Everyone dies, whoever she has loved has died, and there has never been an exception.

But for a few months, that void was filled with a heart again, a heart which she made out of her misery where Avengers and her brother were alive. Where Gojo and her married with kids. She was happy, but her happiness never lasted. Wanda never intended to hurt anyone through her unconscious mind possession, even though she lost to it until she realized what she had done.

Wanda gulps as she realizes, how quickly she lived up to her assumption of being a villain.
That's all she'll ever be, a villain with a void in her chest that can never be filled without falling into more pieces of shards that continue to make her bleed.

So she has decided to live quietly in these mountains while her, other body stays in meditation learning about witchcraft, and spells and arming herself with knowledge of this universe.

After a long sulking, Wanda decided to carry out her usual chores. She took a bath and came into the kitchen to eat something but she didn't feel like it. She hasn't felt like it for a long time. Dismayed, she grabbed a cutter and a basket to collect some apples from the orchard she planted through her powers.

The wind was cool today, a bit chilly but not biting. She walked towards the plants with her basket and cutter in tow when her senses tingled with a premonition of someone's presence. She stopped suddenly, her shoulders tense before they relaxed.

Wanda gave a weak smile, "Doctor Strange, I was waiting for you to visit me". She said without looking at him, her heart pounding intently even though she had prepared her mind for a judgment sooner or later.

Shaking her head, she continued to walk, as he followed her quietly, his steps grim, "I never intended to hurt anyone". Wanda said quietly, a quiver in her voice when she remembered the aftermath of her mind possession.

She was hurt by the world and in a moment of grief, she haunted it back with the same vigor it had shown her since childhood but she was not heartless like this world, she felt the regret of her actions. It ate her alive but so did the illusion of her children in her manipulated memories.

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