Chapter 1

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Their words, insults, and curiosity did not affect her for she knew that it was only a small hurdle, what she is after is far more important than this. Eyes closed, she sat in a mediating position ignoring the verdict of the elders who think that they can decide her fate.

Whether she lives or not, if only they knew that she is here because she wants to be here not because they think, they captured her.

Once they will not be able to kill her, they will seal her away or try to. Wanda does not care, she has gone off the deep end, darkness has touched her, swallowed her whole, and if she wants to protect the people she loves she needs to be sealed away.

Her power is fatal, unhinged, and deranged.

Jujutsu High is her last resort and she has no regrets. Her power scares her, hurts people around her, it makes her lose her mind, she wants no part of it.

“Gramps Champs”. Wanda's concentration broke when she heard an over energetic happy voice which soon turned dark, “Who’s execution are you planning now?”.

The elders quiet down quickly as if afraid to upset the newcomer. Hushed voices passed around probably telling how she's an abomination, an uncontrollable power who should be executed or sealed away.

“Aa soka! I see, but there will be no execution or sealing her away”. Wanda’s eyes snapped open, light flickering in them as her bewildered eyes searched for the intruder who ruined her plans.

A scowl marred her face as she assisted the white hair lean man, Saturo Gojo. Now she knows why the jujutsu elders didn't object to his authority. He is the wielder of the sixth eye.

“But she is dangerous”. The elders argued.

“So am I, which is why I am the perfect person to keep an eye on her”. Gojo smiled but the underlying message was clear, she is not the one you should be afraid of but me.

“I reject your offer Saturo Gojo-san, though I am thankful for your kindness”. Wanda bowed in respect but her teeth grinded in annoyance.

“And I reject your rejection, you're coming with me”.

Wanda straightened in surprise and somewhat in annoyance. Objection was written all over her face but she held back, for now. If he wants to be her guardian so much, she'll make sure that he regrets it and seals her away himself.

“Now”. Gojo ordered and Wanda followed, following the true authority in Jujutsu High.

They walked through corridors and various doors yet the anger in Wanda did not simmer, she always had anger issues and Gojo did not seem to care.

“I can feel you putting draggers in my back”. Gojo teased, turning into a new corridor that leads to an open garden.

“If you can feel my frustrations then you must have felt my desperation to be sealed away, why would you stop it then”. Her breaths came in short exhales as she blurted harshly.

Gojo stopped, an eerie atmosphere surrounding them, the ghost of his past haunting him, “Because I became a sorcerer to help the people not watch them suicide. Desperation can make us do a lot of courageous stuff, but when the adrenaline wears off, rue is all you feel".

“The regret is mine, the burden is mine let me shoulder it.”. She assured him.

His body turned around, a thoughtful look on his face before a blinding smile broke through, “No”.

“Oh good lord”. Wanda muttered under her breath but followed him nonetheless.

“At least tell me where we are going?".

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 ➥𝘎𝘰𝘫𝘰×𝘞𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘢Where stories live. Discover now