Chapter 7

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Remembering your whole life amidst a battle will leave you confused and jared but when the adrenaline washes off and the reality rushes, so does sense. That's how Wanda felt during the fight. A part of her now wants to forget again because nothing in her life is worth remembering, not because the memories consist of bad people or bad moments, but it's the lack thereof presence of the people she loved in the present that hurts.

They're gone but the memories are still there. Memories that have haunted her and will continue to do so.

Wanda was sitting on a bench, her head in her hand as she pained about how her life got to where it is now. She remembers everything now but not how she got into this world, in this universe that is not even hers. The earliest of her memories are getting captured by the government after the Civil War along with the other Avengers who sided with Steve Rogers.

After that, everything is a blip.

"I heard you remember everything now".

Wanda took a deep breath before looking at Gojo, who was leaning against the wall with his arms folded on his chest. She nodded slowly. Wanda looked at his eyes and she knew he was more guarded now, compared to the past. Her cursed energy has changed immensely ever since she awakened her memories.

"Any pointers on who made you forget everything?" Gojo continued to enquire completely ignoring how Wanda wanted to be alone, desperately.

Wanda held his eye, "If I knew, I wouldn't be sitting here with my head in my hands".

Gojo shrugged, "Your position of choice or pain doesn't give off imaginary messages so you need to specify".

"I am now, so please leave me alone". The nagging of his annoyed Wanda and made her anxious because he was right.

Gojo got on his hunches, getting on the eye level with her. He pushed back a strand of hair behind her ear and if it was before, she would have blushed but she felt nothing, only lingering sensation.

"As long as you're in Jujutsu High I can't leave you alone, you know why?". Gojo lowered his shades, his eyes piercing into hers, intimidating her.


"Because your mere existence is unknown to me, you could be a walking threat to my students now that you have your memories and if it's remotely close to that Akagi Wanda, beware then, I'll personally kill you". His voice was lethal, chill-inducing, and utterly abhorrent.

"But if it's not that, then be tension-free because I have your back". His switch in tone and demeanor gave a whiplash to Wanda. This man right in front of her was truly diabolical.

"How can you trust either of my words?". Wanda asked and Gojo just smiled.

"Worry not, these six eyes will know if you're lying".

She hummed, as Gojo pulled back and stood up dusting himself.

"So where's your family right now? You going back to them or ringing them up?". His question made her freeze, because of their past interaction and Wanda's lack of memories she believed she still had a family and so did people around her, but now she knew.

"Unless I am planning to kill myself or die there's no way else to meet or communicate with my family". The sarcasm was morbid but so was the silence after it. Wanda couldn't care less, she has spent a large amount of her life obsessing with that part of her life which eventually led to Pietro's death.

Wanda's eyes closed in pain, "He's dead too, my twin. Everyone is, they have been for a long time". The pain in her voice was too raw and old.

Gojo never said a word, he just stood there in mild shock. The Wanda he was witnessing was so different from the one he first met and he realised that a person with a clean slate will have new happiness to be found around but someone like Wanda, whose slate has been dirtied by years of debris and blood will always be different. It was no shock, but the contrast was and it made Gojo more warry against her because this is the real Wanda and no one knows what she can be.

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