Chapter 2

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Wanda was regretting her decision to let things go with Gojo, no she should have made him talk whether he liked it or not maybe then she wouldn't be in this mess.

Gojo has brought her along with his students to exorcise a corporate building from a semi-second-level curse since she refused to be his pupil he is making her his assistant who will assist his students on missions, but right now Wanda wanted to exorcise Gojo from his damned body and throw him in a gutter.

"And why would I say yes to it?". Wanda asked her right eye twitching.

"Dayum Nobara, she got anger issues like you" Yuji commented, fanning himself.

"Why wouldn't you say yes to it" Gojo smiled which annoyed Wanda, she couldn't understand how he could smile so much while testing her patience.

Before Wanda could open her mouth to argue Gojo beat her to it, urging his students to go ahead and give them space.

"What now?". Wanda gestured around herself.

"let's make a deal" Gojo offered, stuffing his hands in his pants and leveling her with a look.


"You give this a chance, a true chance at trying to understand and stabilize your power before you try to seal yourself away. I won't stand in your way if you agree with this deal but I won't stand here and watch you give up without even trying".

Wanda gulped, she couldn't see Gojo's eyes because of the blindfold over it but somehow she still felt his meaningful look as if telling her that he had seen a story like her before, and it did not end well. A small laugh escaped her at this irony, this is her life yet here she was trying so hard to give it away while someone else was fighting for her life, the way she should.

She looked at him again, the setting sun creating a sorrowful aura, "Sealing myself away gives me no joy, but we do stuff to protect the people around us and I am not giving up. I am merely protecting the people I care about".

Wanda noticed Gojo's jaw clench, the tension magnifying between them.

"You know something funny Wanda? You claim to be dangerous yet I can find no report regarding you endangering people, I can't even find anything about you. It's like you're a ghost, so what is it exactly you're running from if not from yourself?".

Gojo's question rendered her speechless and gasping for air. It was as if someone punched her in the stomach, rationality came crashing down on her when she couldn't remember whom she was protecting, where she came from, and why she thought she was dangerous.

She couldn't remember her life before Jujutsu High, as if someone wiped it clean and entered a mantra in her head that she was dangerous. All this time she has been fighting to end her life based on something that might not exist.

She staggered back just as Gojo tried to reach out to help her balance but she flinched from his touch before it could even come in contact with her, making him take it back.

"What's wrong?".

Wanda looked at him, the anguish in it starting Gojo, "I don't remember, anything".

Gojo's eyes pinched in confusion, he brushed his hair back in frustration, "Strange". That's it, that's the only thing he could come up with and Wanda couldn't even blame him. Even she is confused about what is happening and how.

"Now it makes sense why I couldn't find anything regarding you and any incident involving you, also the elders didn't have any answers either. It all makes sense". Gojo said.

"Then why am I here?". The frustration nearly made Wanda shout but she held it in.

"That's the confusing part", Gojo looked at her, his face serious, "It could be someone is aware of your powers and is scared of what you can be so they brainwashed you into sealing yourself away and treating yourself as a dangerous person".

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