XV) The Traveller?

Start from the beginning

"No matter, I'll win with or without that ring." He said confidently.

"I won't lose again." He grasped Percy arm making him flinch from pain but he stopped himself from yelling.

"You're stronger than I thought boy. It's a shame we're on different sides, this could've worked out quite differently. I admire your loyalty, too bad it's wasted on something so useless like the gods." He spat and let go of Percy's arm.

Percy's whole body was tense from pain. He saw yellow spots dancing around, clouding his vision but refused to pass out.

"Well, it's time to finally send those gods to Tartarus." Kronos smiled, it was sincere but for all the wrong reasons.

Kronos jumped into the portal followed by Ethan and the others, all except Hypnos.

He stayed and watched over the demigods.

"Percy, Percy are you okay?" Jason asked, very concerned.

"Do I look okay." Percy muttered quietly, his arm hurt every time he even tried to breathed too violently.

The others were very close to tears at Percy's condition.

There was so much blood coming from the wound he would've died by now if it wasn't for his godly genetics keeping him alive.

Hypnos' misty image started to flicker, much to the delight of everyone.

Percy immediately got to work, cutting his hands free and his legs.

Leo charred the rope off of himself and Annabeth used Beth's dagger.

Percy saw the portal slowly close off and ran to get through.

The others watched in shock, Leo was helping more of them get loose and didn't realise the condition behind him.

When Percy looked around he saw that he was on Olympus.

He heard someone stumble in from behind and turned around.

"What are you doing here." He asked Annabeth.

"I- I came to help you, you're in no condition to do this alone." She said pointing to his arm.

"I'm fine, it doesn't hurt that much." He said ignoring the pain blistering though his skin.

She was worried, she knew he wasn't fine. No one could be in his situation.

They rushed along the beautiful walkway that Annabeth would've gushed over if not for the situation.

When they reached the throne room, Annabeth was horrified.

The gods were bound to their thrones, they could all see perfectly but their body's looked stuck in place. Like Hefeastus' chair.

"I knew you'd come!" Kronos beckoned.

Percy tried holding riptide with his right arm but it was seething in pain. He ignored it and stood guard.

"My boy," He turned to Ethan, "Help take care of these kids, will you?"

"Gladly." Ethan grinned.

"You're mother wouldn't have wanted this!" Percy yelled.

"Don't you dare talk of my mother, the gods shunned her! It wasn't even her fault."

"So you dethrone the gods and you think Kronos will help you?"

"Oh, I will." Kronos said convincingly but we all know not to trust a titans words.

"See? He'll help us!"

The Travelling (Earth 2)Where stories live. Discover now