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Seven months later


Jin was in the stall when he heard the unmistakable sound of someone gagging in the neighboring stall. Instantly, he felt a deep sense of empathy towards the person, understanding exactly what they were going through. He experienced a familiar reaction reminiscent of his initial days as a bathroom attendant. Over time, he had become accustomed to the lingering odor, the dirtiness, and the impatient individuals who couldn't resist using the restroom while he was still cleaning.

He anticipated that his new co-worker would eventually become accustomed to the work environment or perhaps follow in the footsteps of the previous employee, who quit within the first hour. He understood their decision and didn't hold it against them. He would also quit if he had a choice, but unfortunately, that was not within his power.

This position benefited him greatly, and the salary was more than average. He was willing to put in the time, even if it meant cleaning urine off the floors and washing crap out of the toilet since the hours were flexible with his schedule, and it was helping him reach where he wanted to go.

With his headphones snugly in place, he cranked up the music to its maximum volume, seeking to drown out the world around him. Working at a faster pace, he preferred to be left undisturbed by any distractions. Whenever new people joined, they would often approach him with questions. However, he often found himself lacking the answers they were looking for or simply not in the mood to rehash information that he believed they should have already been aware of.

He was not responsible for training others and had not received any training. On his first day, he received a badge with his name. He was given instructions on the regular location where he could get the necessary cleaning supplies for maintaining the cleanliness of the mall restrooms where he worked.

He tirelessly moved from one stall to the next, never pausing or resting until he had completed his task. Continuing to the next set of restrooms, he made his way up the mall's floors. Others were expected to contribute and assist him, but they regularly failed to prioritize their responsibilities, often choosing to relax instead of completing duties. Jin was always busy juggling his work with the tasks of others. Regardless of the workload, he never complained. He was desperate for the job and would do anything to secure it.

He felt fortunate to have the early afternoon shift to clean the bathrooms, having heard rumors about their condition before closing. The thought of the unsanitary state in which the stalls were left was beyond his imagination.

After completing his shift, he promptly sent the images he had captured to his manager for proof, verifying that every restroom had been thoroughly cleaned during his time on the job. After this, he punched out and retrieved his bag from his locker. Soon after finding one of the bathrooms designated for families, he hurried inside.

He retrieved his toiletries in the bathroom, started the water, and then removed his work clothes. He turned on the faucet and dampened his washcloth, applying soap and squeezing the excess water. He then cleansed his body by rubbing the cloth over his skin.

After finishing, he rinses the washcloth, removing all traces of soap. Then, he wipes his body thoroughly, repeating the motion until satisfied that every soap streak and stain has been removed. Following that, he cleanses his face and brushes his teeth before putting on an outfit he had prepared.

He gathered his soiled work clothes, shoes, and other belongings, tightly securing them in a bag before carefully tucking them in his trusty backpack.

After feeling a bit rejuvenated and ready to go, he took the time to tidy up the bathroom before leaving, ensuring there were no traces of mess.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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