Chapter 30 - Scintilla

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Lauren's eyes remained closed into the drive, her lips muttering lyrics in and out quietly. Her hands rested atop her lap folded painfully tight as adrenaline ran the course of her systems.

"Could you shut it?" The driver had snapped at her from the front.

His words rolled off her as she continued on with her whispers. This was all new to her, she'd never tried to access the bond in such a manner. At some point along the line she'd just accepted it with open arms. She'd never accessed the connection out of her own volition, it was more of a blind hope that it'd just happen. This was out of her element, but she sure as shit would try.

It'd never been her calling out to the bond, but Megatron constantly pulling her into it.

"And I'm afraid to let you go. I'm afraid to let you go."

The lyrics were jumbled on her and she struggled to remember the next verses. An old song it was, why she'd chosen it, she had no idea, but it felt right.

God, did she have to be asleep to accomplish this feat? What was she doing...? Uncertainty swelled in her.

"I'm afraid to let you go, oh, let you go. And I'm afraid to let you go, oh, let you go."

Something familiar brushed her just barely and she was quick to lean into the comforting feeling blindly. Lauren could've almost swore she felt the vibrations of Megatron's voice, but no sound came.

The subtle feeling sparked hope within her.

"I'm not asking for release, mm. I'm not asking for release."

Her words weren't above a whisper then, coming out in wisps of human speech. The scene came into focus ever so slightly; her school's auditorium. The coolness of the piano keys became tangible under her fingertips.

"I'm afraid to let you go. Ah, don't let me let you go."

The lyrics died on her tongue, her brows screwing up harshly for a moment as something warm and heavy atop her shoulder squeezed.

"Don't let me go."

The brunette had almost demanded in her hushed tone, her muscles trembled with the amount of strain she pushed upon them. She swallowed thickly. Though her eyes could not see him, she knew with absolute certainty that he was beside her in that dire moment.




She'd called out to him, panic laced into her tone. The car ride all, but seemed to bleed away into oblivion in those seconds.

Something fierce boiled in her chest, something she could actively recognize was not of her own doing. Such strength and power could only belong to him. The sensation seemed to bark at her wordlessly and her words were suddenly lost.

"I need you. Please..."

It was all she could muster before the slamming of breaks tore her away from the moment violently.

Sapphire eyes snapped open, stung by the offending street lights. Her surroundings were unfamiliar the longer she stared, not that anything had been recognizable in the last few months.

She searched pleasingly for anything, anyone, that may have stood out to her. The much too dark tint concealing her efforts behind a pane of glass.

A small part of herself told her to blow the joint and run. There was no way the van could follow if she were to dart into traffic. Another part chided her on her recklessness, the locks surely didn't open from the inside.

Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)Where stories live. Discover now