Chapter 21 - Vale

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"Where are we going exactly? Shouldn't we be waiting for Soundwave?" Lauren followed closely in Megatron's wake, his much too large metal feet effectively bulldozing a path for her to follow with relative ease. She'd already seen one too many spiders for her liking and found herself missing rural Texas more than ever.

"You must bathe, bug. Your scent is unsightly and has stained my metals." He didn't look back as he spoke to her.

Lauren scoffed outwardly at his words before sneaking a sniff at her underarms. Her nose scrunched and she reeled. Perhaps he had a point...

Unfortunately, drowning did not count as bathing, especially not in stagnate, murky water.

Another thought crossed her mind then; what was in the water? Taken by a large, alien robot only to be eaten by a wild caiman? Then her body really wouldn't be found, forget falling to her death!

Lost in the depths of her own head, Lauren failed to notice his halt, crashing into his ankle servo as a result. "Fuck!" She'd cursed as her hand flew up to her nose.

She heard Megatron growl down at her antic, but beyond his frustration he made no move to scold her lack of self awareness. Peeking around the mech, she spotted the rather clear water rippling gently. A smile crept onto her lips as she bound past him, her boots kissing the water's edge. "It's beautiful." Her words were meant more for her own commentary, but he responded with a grunt of his own acknowledgment.

Rust causing liquid, or any earthly substance, was not something that warranted his praise or his time.

It truly was a sight to behold and definitely not something she'd ever seen before, a small piece of the world seemingly untainted by the harsh touch of humanity (and aliens). It was serine. 

Hastily, Lauren stripped down to her undergarments. With some hops, she pulled the muddied
boots from her feet and tossed them away haphazardly before hopping into the spring.

Megatron remained idle where he stood, watching as she sent up water in a flurry. Red optics scanned the water's native animal and plant life, studying the depth at which the fresh water erupted from.

Lauren did little bathing and more swimming. Surely all her movement would clean her, right?

Ducking down below the water's surface, she pushed off an algae covered rock, propelling herself further out into the spring. The soft current pushed past her skin in a gentle caress when she emerged with a gasp. The sound of splashing water caught her attention and she swam in the direction of the growing noise. Ducking around a rock, she spotted a small waterfall. Throwing a tentative glance over her shoulder, she kicked her way up to the torrent.

He, too, eventually stepped into the spring with a plunge, the water only came to his hip servos much to his luck.

It took only a moment to notice Lauren's apparent disappearance. Thermal scans revealed her whereabouts just yards away.

With a small growl, he pushed through the water in her direction, sending waves lapping at the shore. His audio receptors were quick to pick out the distinct sound of her humming coupled with the rush of water. His steps slowed inadvertently as he stalked closer, much like a bobcat readying to pounce upon a rabbit.

Melodic hums evolved into soft vocalizations- singing she'd said. Yes, singing

Placing his claws atop the large rock, he stepped around, his optics spotted her form immediately causing him to slow to a full stop.

Megatron reserved himself to sheer and utter silence, unable to drag his optics away from the scene before him. He was bewitched. 

"Oh, I know that this love is pain. But we can't cut it from out these veins, no."

Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)Where stories live. Discover now