Chapter 25 - Limbo

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Lauren kicked herself up, climbing to a standing position, the desk being her support.

Slipping into her crudely cut, much too short, shorts she shoved her feet into her boots, the leather perfectly shaped to her calves after years of wear.

Three days. It'd been three days since she, essentially, been dumped in the junk yard and three more days since her last meal. Thank God she'd located the bathroom recently.

The brunette was more than pleased to cup tap water to her mouth and wipe herself down in an attempt at a sponge bath. There was a small shower tucked into the corner of the quaint restroom, a drench shower she figured based on its rudimentary design.

Her stomach growled ferociously, demanding sustenance of any kind.

Lauren slung her bag over her shoulder before emerging from the dingy office, her footsteps echoed over the metal catwalk as she made her way toward the newly discovered staircase.

Laserbeak hissed from the rafters, his wings flexed as he perched himself. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I don't think that's your business." She supplied flatly with a slight drag in her step.

He trilled in irritation, spittle flying from his maw. "Not mine, but the officer wouldn't want to," he purred sadistically. "Lose you."

Her skin prickled at his words as she staggered down the metal stairs with a firm grasp on the railing.

A wolf whistle caused her to snap her sights to Nitrozeus. She glared.

"What whore house are you off to and why don't I know about it?" The single optic mech teased, his shoulder servos jumped with his gruff laugh.

"I need food and some better pants, numb nuts." The blue eyed woman bit defensively, cheeks warm from the perverse jibe. 

"Available information states that humans can survive one earth week without sustenance." Soundwave cut in bluntly, Laserbeak swooped to sit atop his shoulder in taunt.

"Doesn't mean I should."

"Quit your bitchin', fleshbag." Barricade grumbled in disdain, his glare narrowed sharply.

"I'm going." Came her words defiantly.

A cough sounded from her other side. "No use, nothing worth a damn out there."

Chicago, she'd recalled to herself the first night. Mission city. It was a wasteland void of human life, perhaps that's why Megatron had chosen to randevu there. She didn't question it, something she'd grown accustomed to. 

"What better option do I have?" She inquired to Onslaught, fists bawled up at her sides in irritation.

She already felt microscopic under their scrutiny, her hoochy shorts and injured leg made her feel naked, vulnerable in the most primitive sense. She was a wounded gazelle trapped in a pride of lions (if a pride of lions were capable of having egos bigger than the empire state building).

All optics were pointed at her.

With a final huff, Lauren turned to leave. Where she would go, she had no idea, but Chicago was huge. There was bound to be something left over; a sizable pair of pants, a can of beans, something!

Much to her luck, there happened to be a well working, human sized door nestled beside the huge sliding one, may God bless whoever designed the building.

The light of the setting sun caused her to squint, her hand flying up to shade her eyes. She'd have to make her excursion quick if she wanted to find anything of great use.

Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)Where stories live. Discover now