Chapter 18 - Obstinate

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Lauren awoke with a start from a dreamless slumber as Megatron navigated the given turbulence. With heavy eyelids and a crooked neck, she shifted up into a better postured position. It was dark, she'd noted as her tired eyes navigated the darkness. It was quiet save for the thrum of Megatron's engine, but even that bled into white noise the longer she listened. 

"What time is it?" The brunette inquired with a croak, her throat grated like rough sandpaper. She swallowed back her saliva. 

"23:00, girl. Go back to recharge." His words came out firm and frank as he answered. 

She didn't know what '23:00' meant, settling for 'late' in the answer's absence. Lauren rolled her shoulders, earning a crack of protest. "Can't get comfortable." She murmured, turning to rest on her hip. The pit was small and did not look to be designed for any human she'd ever seen. The lack in accommodation was evident even despite the darkness, she could feel it. 

A beat of terse silence passed over them as Megatron navigated his way through the dark night. Worrying at her lip was all she could do as she mulled over recent events. It seemed like every time something happened it produced more questions than it did answers. It was as infuriating as it was confusing and she'd kicked herself anytime she conjured up a whole knew thought. Her brows knit together in quiet contemplation. 

Megatron tipped to ascend further above the clouds, the trine of seekers becoming a blur through the plumes of moisture. He, too, was preoccupied with his own set of thoughts. His spark pulsed in that new and odd way. Ignoring the feeling, he continued on with his voyage. 

"Where are we going? You never told me." She broke the silence with her question, her tone was flat and held little emotion and felt distant in nature. 

The delivery of her words made him bellow out deeply in retortion. "25.2744° S, 133.7751° E."

Lauren huffed before pinching the bridge of her nose. "And where is that? I think you forget I'm not a super computer." She jabbed pointedly. 

"Watch your tone, insect." He snapped bitterly before continuing. "It is what you humans would call Australia." 

First Namibia and now Australia? Her body sagged and she groaned. "What's in Australia exactly?" 

"There is nothing left for our kind in this hell." Megatron growled in disdain and if he could've lurched at her, he would've. 

No clear answer, once again. 

Pulling in on herself, she resided to not pestering on the matter further in an attempt to spare herself the headache. Several more hours passed in due time like that; tensely silent with the only sounds being Megatron. The smallest bit of sunlight could be spotted emerging through the ozone and her eyes looked upon it, though her reaction was devoid of anything great. She felt like she had the literal weight of the world riding on her shoulders. Heavy bags pulled at her eyes as she watched the sun rise gradually. 

"Why do you not tell me anything? Like, I get your whole 'macho-man' shit, but come on." Her words were delivered flatly as she picked at her nailbeds. 

Her emotions were not lost on him. He felt the turmoil that brewed deep within her soul- spark. Though, he did his best to stone face the unwelcomed feelings she plagued him with. Part of the decepticon dared to admit that he regretted what he'd done, but his spark was quick to fiercely snuff out such thoughts. Megatron didn't respond to her. 

Lauren's nose scrunched in annoyance. "So, you're giving me the silent treatment now? Real fucking mature." She scoffed. "Whatever." 

"Watch your mouth, girl, or I will silence it for you." He growled sharply. 

Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin