Chapter 12 - Discernment

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Lauren hunched herself over the water's edge, her reflection stared back as if to mock her.

It was gone. Everything of hers, everything that she had come to know was ripped out from beneath her, leaving her barren and with only her name. Her home, her shop, all of those stupid unfinished projects ceased to exist.

She blamed everyone, but she blamed herself most of all. If she hadn't been stupid- selfish- maybe if she had actually listened to those radio adverts, then she wouldn't be bleeding over a watering hole admits the plains of Namibia, Africa.

Hot, angry tears stung her eyes as she bit back of cry of pain. This wasn't her home, she didn't belong in all of this, whatever this was.

Megatron was right and she loathed that fact.

She was lost and unable to do anything about it. Helplessness had never felt so demeaning in her whole life.

A strangled sob slipped past her lips as she cupped some water in her hands. Using her teeth to hold her shirt up, she did was she could to clean her wound. The surrounding edges were dark in color and she prayed it wasn't infected. The breeze that swept past bit her and she hissed. Her skin felt impossibly hot as she sweat away every last bit of hydration her body had to offer, brain pounding against her skull in the process.

Earth rattling footsteps approached from behind her, but she made no move to greet the decepticon as he marched up beside where she resided. 

Megatron took a seat at the water's edge, not offering any words of his own as he plunged his hand into the murky liquid.

"What're you doing?" Lauren's tone was accusatory and she was tense, a pained look colored her features. Her breathing was labored and her lungs wheezed filling her mouth with the taste of iron. She swallowed back her saliva, her brows knit together sending creases along her forehead. Part of her was undeniably angry, furious even, with him for uprooting her life the way he had. Half-lidded eyes stared up at him in her best attempt at a glare.

"Have you no faith in your leader?" He ground out bluntly as he scooped the water over her in a cascade.

It initially startled her, but it soon subsided in favor of the cool liquid against her skin. She stared up at him in a pitiful display, clutching her abdomen from the pain of her wound and the uncomfortableness of encroaching hunger.

The sun was setting fast and she knew the night would be far too cold for her wet state.

Megatron stood to height. "Come, we must move."

Lauren rose to her feet with a wince as she followed slowly in his wake, the sun was beginning to disappear beyond the sandy horizon.

Her feet dragged for what felt like hours and it wasn't long before she stumbled, hitting the sand with a curse. Lauren coughed, shivering where she lay.

The decepticon turned to her and without room for deliberation, scooped her into his palm and trekked on in silence as he kept his guard up.

Her weight had lessened in his hold and he noted her feverish temperature, the air she vented was wet and hoarse. A growl rumbled out of him.


A coughing fit yanked Lauren from the blissfulness of sleep and thrusted her back into harsh reality.

Her back hit a hard surface as she wheezed and the warmth of fire nipped at her damp skin. Lauren shifted against the rock she was lent against and scooted closer to the fire in an attempt to escape the frigid desert air. "M-Megatron?" She called out, but nothing came of it. "Hello?" 

Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora