Chapter 14 - Revitalization

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Several autobots and decepticons later, Lockdown had returned to his ship, his growing collection of sparks was taking up space, but his mission wasn't over, far from it. 

The bounty hunter stalked the halls, his subordinates retreating out of his path with a swiftness as he reached his private quarters. His face was screwed up pensively and his shoulders terse. 

He kicked himself for not pursuing the decepticon warlord, but the logical part of him knew the odds would not have been in his favor. 

Another thought crossed his mind as he set aside his weaponry; Lauren Ridgwell. Many questions he'd conjured about the human woman. 

Was she an ally to the decepticon cause? And if she was, what use could she be? Or, was she taken prisoner and being held for ransom? Did she have any valuable intel? 

The entire situation struck a nerve within him and he grimaced. It wasn't like decepticons were fond of anything outside of themselves, so it was strange. 

His end goal remained the same, despite whatever answers he'd receive. If she posed a threat, he'd simply exterminate her. Earth was well on its way to failure, one less human may actually do them some good. Such a troublesome species they were. 

Lockdown knelt before his queen with the upmost respect, his head bowed. "My queen." 

"Lockdown, what of Optimus and Megatron?" She spoke hauntingly.

"The humans have their eyes on them, it's only a matter of time." He responded pointedly as he attempted to snuff out his thoughts. 

Quintessa's eyes narrowed slightly. "Something is on your mind. Speak." 

"Megatron has taken a human girl."

A thoughtful look crossed her. "Your objective remains the same; capture both remaining Cybertronian leaders by all means necessary."  

"Their numbers are sparse, they are dead on their feet." He ground out with a glare.

"No rebellion is truly dead until the leaders have been vanquished." Her words were sharp and cut through him fiercely. "With the last two rulers in our grasp, Cybertron can be brough to its knees. Do not fail me Lockdown."

By all means necessary. Rang true to him and he'd honor his Queen's orders. 


Over a week had passed in slow time, Lauren had been confined to the cave in her best attempts to heal faster. Like clockwork, Megatron would disappear at the rise of the sun and then reappear sometime in the darkness. Scalpel skittered in and out at random intervals. 

Her fever had broke and she was only just able to start keeping down solid foods. It goes to say, she was feeling a hell of a lot better. Not quite 'run for her life' better, but at least she could hold a conversation and move around on her own accord. 

With the ability to think clearly, she'd became starkly aware of just how dirty she was. Dry blood crusted to her skin causing her to itch as sweat mixed with dirt and embedded deep into her crevices uncomfortably. Her hair was another problem in its own entirety, knotted to the scalp and saturated with grease. If she could give up anything in the world for a hot shower, she'd do it in a heartbeat, no hesitation. Ah, wishful thinking, but stranger things have happened. 

Lauren sat upright as she unlaced her boots and slid them off with care, allowing her feet to breath for the first time in over a week. Her feet ached and she fanned out her toes, the smell that hit her was less than pleasant and she grimaced at the discoloration of her once white-turned-beige socks. 

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