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"Lucia! Don't go too far, okay, hun?"


Church had just gotten out about ten minutes ago. But instead of getting in the car and heading straight home, they were having a potluck that afternoon. However, Lucia wasn't hungry yet, and all the adults were too busy talking to start eating too. So, since there looked to be some time, she decided to join her friends who were playing on the tire swing.

And since her mom had given her permission, the seven year old girl quickly ran up the hill that had a huge tree at the top of it where her friends were. Tommy was pushing Valerie on the swing while Liam was sitting on the ground next to them, reading a Dog Man book.

"I want a turn!" she cried as she ran up to them. She panted hard after running up the hill, having to bend over and grab her knees to catch her breath. "Me next!"

"Liam's next," Valerie said with a pout. She soon got off the tire swing and crossed her arms. "We have an order, you know."

"Lucia can go next," Liam insisted, only sparing a glance up from his book. "I wanna finish this first."

Lucia smiled brightly while Valerie huffed. But since Liam said it was okay, she stepped out of the way to let Lucia have a turn. She quickly jumped on the tire, signaling to Tommy that she was ready with a thumbs up. With a nod, he began to push her. The little girl giggled with glee, her brunette hair flying in her face every time she swung back.

Once she had a good rhythm going, Tommy stepped away to allow her to swing on her own. Sometimes she wished she could reach even higher than the tire would allow. When she could get really high, she liked to close her eyes. It felt like she was flying. And she just wanted to fly up higher and higher until she could touch the clouds.

"Tommy! Valerie! Come get some lunch!"

The twins took off running down the hill and back to the potluck. Lucia continued to swing, laughing as she reached high into the air. She didn't even notice that Liam had closed his book and stood up. He watched her swing back and forth quietly for a few minutes before clearing his throat.

"We should go too, Lucia," he said. "Mrs. Osteen made mac and cheese this time. You said hers is the best, so..."

"You go ahead!" Lucia still didn't even turn to look at him. She didn't even bother to slow down her swinging. "I wanna keep swinging."

Liam seemed to hesitate for a minute. He looked between her and the food. He thought for a moment to stay with her, but then his own mother called him over. Reluctantly, he headed down the hill and gave Lucia one last glance. The little girl was now humming to herself, her pink dress and brown wavy hair blowing around in the wind, clearly not a care in the world.

She knew she needed to head down soon. Mrs. Osteen made the best homemade macaroni and cheese, and everyone always wanted some. If she didn't grab a plate soon, then it would all be gone before she had the chance. While usually her mother would get her and her older brothers a plate, she was still talking with her friends. And when she was talking to them, she would forget about everything else, including lunch.

Throwing out her legs, she let the back of her heels dig into the grass to slow her down. But as the swing came to a stop, she finally noticed a new figure standing next behind the tree. It was a boy, about her age, with curly black hair and brown eyes. He seemed nervous, hiding half of himself behind the tree with one hand pressed to it.

Lucia tilted her head. She had never seen him before. And she knew all the kids that came to church. After all, in small towns like this one, everyone knew each other. "Who are you?"

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