Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A few weeks had passed since Phoebe had returned to the Underworld. Word had spread fast that the Veil was torn down. Just like in the mortal realm, the demons were hesitant and anxious about being able to interact with the other side. But with Krios's assurance, they were willing to accept it and try to get along.

Not that there was much intermingling to begin with. So far, only one realm channel had been restored: the same one that Vesper had pulled her through. It was only used for official business, and had only been used a handful of times. Most of the visits were envoys from the empire, a mix of delegates and cardinals coming to discuss peace treaties to ensure the safety of both realms.

Phoebe hadn't been involved in any of that. Krios invited her to sit in, but she politely declined. She was not a politician or a diplomat, so her presence would add nothing to the discussion. Besides, she didn't want to derail anything should any of the visitors ask her questions. Everyone, even those in the mortal realm, were now aware that she and Krios would marry by the end of the year. No doubt those from the mortal realm had questions.

She did have a couple of visitors though: Vivienne and Tobias. Vivienne had cried when she had seen her, hugging her so tightly that she thought her back would break. She had a hundred questions, most of them pertaining to her choice to remain in the Underworld. She couldn't believe she would willingly stay here or want to be with Krios. She had even tried to convince her to come back at one point.

Fortunately, Tobias had stepped in and told her to leave it be. While he also didn't fully understand her choice, he recognized her heart was with Krios and he would pray for her happiness. That was enough for Vivienne to give her reluctant blessing too. While Phoebe was grateful, it was bittersweet to know that she wouldn't see them much again after their visit.

She had been invited to Vesper's funeral. It was to be a closed casket, as the priests worried about people seeing them "corrupted by black magic." Phoebe was slightly annoyed that was the story everyone spun to cover up Vesper's true identity. Still, even she had to admit it was better this way. Had everyone found out they were a halfling, people would have believed them to be an agent of Krios and the Veil being torn down had actually been all his doing.

Regardless, she declined the invitation. Funerals were meant to honor and memorialize those who had passed, and she had no intention of doing either. Vesper gave their life to bring down the Veil, which she could thank them for. However, she did not grieve their passing. If anything, she was glad that they were gone. Now they were at peace, and she could be with Krios.

Though her friends were saddened that she declined to attend, they respected her decision. They had promised to keep in touch, and she prayed that they would be able to. Even if they were separated by the realms, she still wanted to remain in contact with them. She even hoped to invite them to the wedding, once everything was planned and figured out.

It had only been a week since the announcement had been made, and both she and Krios had received what felt like hundreds of gifts and letters of congratulations from both nobles and commoners. She knew that the people were aware she was Seraphine's reincarnation, but she didn't expect such a positive response. Yet, everyone in and out of the castle was excited. Her maids were especially eager to help her plan the wedding.

Which is what she had been doing before coming out to the garden. She needed a break from all the wedding talk and writing thank you letters to everyone who sent gifts. She also wanted Krios's opinions on matters too; after all, it was their wedding. They both deserved a say.

But for now, she was just happy to lay on the grass and look up at the sky. Her maids were nearby, standing under the stone gazebo where she had had lunch only a few minutes ago. She would need to go back to work soon, but she just needed a few minutes to herself for now. She wasn't used to sitting hunched over a desk for so long. Looking at all of those letters nearly made her go cross-eyed.

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