Chapter 7 - Learning to love

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Chapter 7 - Learning To Love

Jack!!! A woman says with her hand touching the glass of the deprivation tank please forgive me for what I put you through. The young Asian woman sitting on her legs sobbing, uncontrollably you tried to warn me I was too arrogant and naïve to listen. I thought that vile contained my love, my beloved Kade. It was a demon spirit all along manipulating me. It almost cost us our lives. Tears streaming down her cheeks. I'm so sorry, She stares into the tank, Jack breathing softly as she looks at the monitor for any brain activity. No changes. Keira sat on the ground her tears becoming mellow and fading listening to the humming of the computers. I will not leave your side Keira says She lays her head on the ground stretching out her body putting Kade's katana by her side no one will ever get the chance to harm you ever again you have my word!!!

Keira fell asleep she was awoken by a loud hissing noise. And the sound of a woman's voice. Hello Grace, did you finish it? Another voice asked. I did the woman's voice said. Keira lying there on the floor She begins to relax trying to compose herself. She looks around. Jack is still safe. She looks at the monitor vitals are normal. Keira hears giggling learning to love she hears. By Amanda panda a little voice begins to giggle again I still don't know what a panda is the woman begins to read Keira thought. It's very late to be reading a story but the little girl seems so excited. Keira was exhausted and tried to fall back asleep. All she could hear was the computer humming and the story being told. She began to listen more intently. Tonight's chapter seemed exciting. Grace kept interrupting. Asking what's this? What's that? What's the theme park the woman reading never got upset or angry at Grace interrupting she described everything the best she could. Grace wasn't born on earth. So she had no idea what any of these things were who could blame her for being excited? Kira saw the little girl lying on the bed. Earlier when she came in she was asleep holding onto a stuffed elephant for dear life she seemed to be dreaming

When Keira walked in, she could smell alcohol but thought nothing of it someone was here before her Maybe a nurse or doctor checking on Jack's vitals She saw a chair placed in an awkward position someone was here before me she concluded

But now she was Wide Awake Listening to a story called Learning to Love She began to cry again about thinking about Kade they would go on little adventures together the story being read to Grace reminded her of Kade they never had much money they were barely getting by most months in Japan, but somehow they made it work. One day, Kade woke Keira wake up. My love, Keira was so tired working as a housekeeper she didn't get in until late that night Kade worked at a casino doing almost everything there. So their work schedules were always hectic. Kade began rubbing her back come on wake up he said again I have a surprise for you Kade was pulling extra shifts at the casino. For a while now. Today was a big day. It was Keira's birthday oh five more minutes Keira said OK five more minutes Kade said but then you have to get up. Otherwise, we're going to be late. For the train and breakfast. Keira finally heard what he just said Train breakfast? What was Kade up to Keira, rolled over What are you talking about? Keira was staring directly at Kade Who was lying on his side Smiling His short, black hair was a mess Happy birthday my love he said, softly, kissing Keira on the forehead Keira forgot it was her birthday They had both been working so much. This just felt like just another day. She rolled over. And Let out a sigh. It is, isn't it? She said. Kade looked at her And smiled he gave her a playful push, let's go my love we need to get going we have to make the train. Why are we taking a train? Keira said. Kade replied it's a surprise. Come on get up we're going to be late.

An hour later they were out of their apartment and at the train station Keira was so exhausted but she was trying not to let Kade know. But he knew but the surprise he had planned he had worked so hard for would all pay off. He was trying not to give away his excitement train arrived. They got aboard and took their seats They wouldn't get to their destination for another hour and a half. Kade told Keira why don't you take a nap you're gonna need your energy. Keira shook her head But once the train began moving She immediately laid her head on Kade's shoulder. And fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05 ⏰

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