Chapter - 2 The archangel

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Chapter - 2 The archangel

Amanda finally regains her composure. Not many have seen his ship in person before. And lived to tell about it. Everyone in the crew begins to wonder what the hell happened, is the archangel helping Jack? Just then his ship comes to life and begins to move under the SR1 Sam, what the hell's going on Xavier says.

Sam doesn't reply. Amanda says, Sam!!! respond what the Hells going on? In a worried voice,

Sam finally responded "I'm sorry Dave I can't let you do that" Everyone on the bridge? Says what the fuck!!!. Xavier, Sam what the fuck are you doing?.
Sam replies I'm opening the pod bay doors and begins singing, "Daisy Bell" In a creepy, robotic voice the lights on the bridge Begin to glow red everyone says what the fuck.... is going on.

Archangel's ship begins to,
Go into the SR1's loading bay under the ship. Sam immediately stops singing. And says docking complete!!!. Sam says the archangel ship is on board then sings in a deep, bassy voice  "Welcome home you've arrived".

Amanda says what in the serious fuck Sam!!!. Her voice cracks. Sam replies well Jack was right none of you have a sense of humor. Everyone looks complexed. Xavier Sam, What did you say? Sam, I said Jack says none of you have a sense of humor Xavier why would he say that? He's the one that programmed this entire sequence. I have a confession to make. Sam says Jack's the one that programmed the distress signal protocol.

Xavier yes I'm aware of that Sam. Yes, commander, but none of you know there was a failsafe. All one of you had to do was say please, and I could've stopped to ship anywhere in the galaxy. Given that no one spoke up, I let the program do its thing and here we are.
Helmsman Tom speaks up bullshit. I tried everything but I couldn't get anything to work. Exactly Sam says. You couldn't... but I could've. All you had to do was say please.

Xavier, that's fucked up, Sam. Tell me we have control of the ship, Tell me you know why we're here.

Sam replies relax commander everything is as it should be, well except for the archangel ship down below. that's not funny says, Amanda nervously.

Just then, Jennifer comes over the intercom Jennifer Cross, runs our security and infantry unit; her wife Beth is a nurse and head understudy under Dr. Laura Chris. commander you might want to get down here immediately!!!. Dr. Chris has already unloaded Jack. He's already in sick bay. It's not good, commander. It's not good at all. I snap back to reality. Jennifer, who gave her that authority? Commander, I don't think she gives a fuck. about anyone's authority at the moment she is rallying the troops right now. It's a real mess down here.

Xavier says Jennifer secure archangels, ship immediately. I want to speak to Archangel. says Xavier. I think that's gonna be a problem. Says Jennifer replies sounding very complexed, Xavier replies, Jennifer, What the fuck are you talking about? Jennifer replies. Just get down here Commander.

Xavier looks at Amanda. Let's go we head to the main elevator. Xavier thought what the fuck. could've happened. First, he activates his distress signal. Sam admits he's been programmed. to re-create a movie scene. from Stanley Kubrick's 2001 a space odyssey. just for this exact scenario.

Amanda, must've seen my face, you OK commander? no, I replied, Amanda. Please tell me you don't have any secrets.  Amanda. Well... when I was five I had an imaginary friend. Xavier, Amanda, you're not helping. sorry Amanda giggling, says I'm sorry when I'm nervous, I make jokes. It helps calm my anxiety. Could I blame her? Jack's been missing for a week. The whole crew has been on edge.

The elevator stops on the main crew deck, what now? Xavier exhales as the door opens. Standing there is a beautiful old woman, she has pale blue skin and long black hair. It's covered up by a vale she smiles and says, Commander. Xavier wanted to speak but had no words.  Amanda replies, aria can it wait? Aria replies I hear the archangel's ship is aboard. Amanda replies. Yes, Aria we're currently on the way to see Jack. He's at Sickbay and he's been badly injured. We still don't know all the details. Aria, Amanda says if you would be so kind as to let us go, Arie, I'm heading the same way Dr. Chris requested me.

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