Chapter - 4 I Promise Part One.

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Chapter - 4 I Promise.
Part One.

Archangel, I have an urgent message. Jack is flying his ship, getting back from turning in another bounty that makes six this week. When are they gonna learn? I'm glad it pays well and the info I got was pretty reliable. Jack turned on the autopilot. Who's it from? Sam says it's from Claire Xavier. Jack, Are you sure Sam? Yes Jack it is indeed Xavier's sister. Well, it's messaged to the archangel. Sam, where did you find the message? On the official private server, Sam says.

Jack, thinking only a couple of years ago after Echo one. I laid low. I started a company. And began working for the private sector. That's where the real money was. The trial gave me time to think. It was so easy to be accused of something you didn't even do. Everyone was so gullible. Just sitting in that courtroom. It was a fucking joke. We were already found guilty. even before we walked in. Good thing my drone captured everything. I told no one about that. Not even the public pretender. That's what I like to call the public defender. He Was just there to put on a show. Everyone ate it up, why did you do it? Reporters would ask. as we walked into the courtroom. The trial. Only took five days. Yep, only five days. They were so ready to say guilty, guilty, guilty. I remember Xavier. Looking at me. We're screwed he said. I said Yep up shit creek without a paddle. What else is new? The jury heard the closing arguments and began deliberating. That's when I made the call. Do you have it? I said. Yeah Jack everything's here. Cool Jack said release it tonight. All of it, let's bury these bastards. this was going to be the nail in the coffin. All their lies exposed. There was nothing they could do. Everything was confirmed. This was corruption at its finest. I'll never forget that voice. That spoke to me when I woke up in the hospital, good, you're awake you murderer that man that voice I will never forget it. Who was he? He was the man running for re-election the president of the United States.

He would later try to lie. Say it was all fabricated. Artificially created he said none of the sources are reliable. That couldn't be further from the truth he was involved. all of the earth's presidents were. What's the old saying money talk shit walks what were they trying to build? I'll tell you an interstellar relay. That way they could go to other solar systems. Fuck, fixing the problems of Earth when you could just fly away from it. Corporations and politicians spent billions. Of credits on the relay. Instead of taking care of the people. This would benefit all mankind. Politicians would say. Can you imagine the possibilities are endless? Being able to go to other planets. in half the time, not to mention other solar systems. but all you have to do is follow the paper trail. It was pretty obvious they weren't even hiding it. Who the hell was going to stop them? Their egos and arrogance would get the better of them. I believe in karma.

Me and Xavier got back to our holding cells. in the courthouse, Xavier says you seem pretty calm. Jack says, Brother. we're gonna be OK. Xavier says what do you mean?. Jack says you remember what happened? Xavier says how can I forget? I still have nightmares.

Jack, touching his face. What if I didn't make it in time Xavier? Xavier says, exhaling. I know Jack there's nothing we could do. I almost wish we didn't go. but I really needed the money. It paid well too well and it almost cost us our lives. Xavier, Jack I'm sorry. I didn't believe you Jack, do you hear me? Jack, standing in his cell looking at the mirror. looking at the left side of his face. the shrapnel did a number on his face Dr. Laura Chris did amazing work. She could have removed almost all the shrapnel, the problem was. If she did, Jack would have no feeling. On the left side of his face. It would've given Jack's face possible permanent paralysis and nerve damage. Jack looked at Laura and said, just stitch me up Doc. I've always known pain what was a little more.

Jack says I heard you brother, I've already made a call to a friend do you remember Ebb. Xavier says yeah... what's going on Jack what are you not telling me?. Jack takes a deep breath and exhales brother. Remember, when you told me, I have too much tech, well that tech is gonna save our lives again. Xavier says what how?. Jack replies my drones captured everything in real time multiple days multiple angles Xavier says the Hawks captured everything. Jack replies, everything? Xavier exhales, who has the footage? Jack replies Ebb, has everything on a secure encrypted server. he's already gone through analysis proving that everything is legit from the legit source, at 8 pm it will be released for everyone around the world to watch Xavier looks at his watch that's only one hour from now Jack smiles I know Jack says Xavier says you believe Ebb, will do it. This would clear us, Jack. Jack replies. Of course, he will never break a promise. He's been watching the trial, surprised you haven't noticed his blonde hair, beard, and glasses he was sitting with his husband. Jack thought, what was his name again? Ebb, was the one making noise, coughing, saying bullshit. When the prosecution. Would say something that was a complete fabrication. Xavier replies, get the fuck outta here that was him?. Jack replies I would like to, but my fucking cell doors are locked. Then says. Don, Dean, David. Xavier, what?. Jack says Ebb's husband's name is David, nice guy. Xavier says what are you even fucking saying? Jack replies he's a black guy. Ebb has good taste. Xavier says, Jack. Jack replies yeah? Xavier says would you shut up. Jack replies. Sorry, I'm just trying to kill time.

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