Part 48 : true potential.

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(Pov narrator)

As corves began to swing his mace down on rain suddenly her was shot by something knocking it off course enough for him to barley miss rains head.

Corves lifted his mace back but and saw titanium flying towards him from the left. Vortex went to fly towards him but then Osmium fly from out of the trees, tackling him and then throwing him into a tree.

She then formed a gun out of her left arm and made a blade form on her other as titanium landed next to her.

Titanium " why dont you fight some two who are closer to your size." He turned both his hands into the hammers and made small missiles come from his back.

Corves used his wings to block the rockets and then started running forward, Osmium flew up and started shooting at corves but corves was blocked the shots with his armour preventing her from doing any really damage. While he was distracted titanium hit corves across the face with one of his hammers and used his other hammer to hit the mace away.

Titanium then form a blaster out one of his hands and sent a sonic blast at corves pushing him slightly back. Corves formed his end blade and held up his mace.

Corves " you are machines. No machines can stand up to me." He said shooting a blast of lightning out of his mace but both rifts flew out of the way.

Osmium " we arent doing bad so far." She then flew down towards corves and managed to kick him in the face, but as she tried to fly away corrves grabbed her leg and threw her into the ground and stepped on her.

Corves when to rip her apart but then stella got up and threw several arcane weapons at him he crossed his arms across hiss face using his armour to block the hits. He then teleported behind her and went to cut her in half with his arm blade but then titanium came from behind and hit corves in the back of the end with both his hands out together in a hammer.

Stella teleported back and then ran to rain " rain get up !!." He groaned in pain but with her help he managed to sit up.

Rain " we have to stop him... we have to get the pieces." He then saw the rifts " when did they get here" he asked thinking he had just gone mad with his injuries.

Stella " when i was running away i the magic i use for my mirror spell. Turns out it can work with still water if its clear enough you can see your self." Osmium then flew past them into a few trees " ok we can worry about the rest later !!!." She teleported rain behind a rock near by and then brought lance and Gwendolyn there.

Rain then started healing himself due to one of the crystals, once he was healed he took it out of him and passed between Gwendolyn and lance. Then put their hands on the crystal and he healed them as well tho they still needed a little more time then rain did so he left the crystal with them.

Rain and stella then went to go fight corves again, when they got back corves was straggling both the rifts and he then held them against the ground and started shocking them with his lightning.

Corves looked towards rain and stella " up for another fight are we, it will end the same." He let go of the rifts.

Stella " evil always falls in the end corves, what my father did to you was terrible but you are far worse."  Corves growled and shot blasts of lightning at both rain and stella but both took cover behind some rocks.

Osmium then formed a thin pointed blade out of her arm and stabbed corves in a small gap between his arm armour and actually hurt him, he growled in pain and then ripped off Osmiums arm completely.

She screamed in pain but before titanium could do anything corves smacked him with Osmiums arm. He then picked up Osmium and ripped her other arm off and threw her against the rocks lance and Gwendolyn were hiding behind.

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