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( pov narrator)

The ender watchers were still caught off guard by the revaluation that eoin has ended up in owens body , this is definitely not hard for them to understand with the same sounding the exact same just spelt differently.

Eoin "... is your skeleton friend ....alive ...." He took another look at him " scratch that not completely dead"  he corrected himself seeing what infernius was.

Cynthia " some one check " stella formed an arcane stick and poked infernius twice with it.

Stella " going to be honest he doesnt breath so i cant tell did he just faint or not " rain walked up to Eoin.

Rain " well outside the confusion, its been awhile since we seen each other " he said greeting eoin.

Eoin " for me its been about 2 years , how bout you ?"  He asked.

Rain " about 11 months , its been a chaotic .... Few months " rain had a look of dread on his face recalling all hes lost over the past year and more.

Eoin " well i dont want to push onto to everyone but may i be caught up on what's happened since i left back to my universe?" They began to walk to the meeting tomorrow and eoin begun to look around at dragon spire.

Cynthia looked at eoin again and started to recognise him " wait a second i do know you , you were at the battle of the outpost " she mentioned remembering being left to die when hilda left her when she ran with eoin and the others.

Eoin " oh yeah , i don't remember seeing you though I don't remember any nether creture-" everyone but Cynthia gave him a look of 'stop talking' so he wanted to change the subject." Anyways from what my friends told me about this island end you guys have been busy fixing it up " some of his friends as some of you may remember helped retake dragonspire from the nether.

Stella and rain walked each side of him since they slightly knew him.

Stella " its strange seeing a body being possessed like this " she looked at him interested , not as much as Gwendolyn who was watching from a little distance.

Eoin " it's strange for me to , last time i checked im meant to be dead " he tapped the armour on his chest around the area his heart would be under " i was stabbed in the chest with a dagger called the titan killer. One guess what it does " he joked.

Rain " you seem quite lively for a dead man " rain joined in on the jokes.

Eoin " this new body is weird " he jumped up and down twice " i feel so light . I had gotten use to weighting a lot so i could ran and jump easily thanks to just being a titan but this body " he then looked at his arms and rubbed his skin " beeps a long time since ive felt my own skin ... this doesnt feel correct though as you'd imagine " They both agreed that being in another persons body would be weird.

Stella " how much different do you feel ... overall ?" She asked curious.

Eoin " well im shorted , less buff , have both eyes for once which is nice " he took off his helmet and started touching his hair " hmm this hair isnt a good shape to me " he turned the helmet and looked at the front " I've never been the biggest fans of helmets so thats another weird thing for me. Also it doesnt have a battle mask thing , that thing that went over my face when i fought ...well i didnt use it much i suppose when i was here last least from what I remember."

They reached the bottom of the meeting tower and lance and skylor teleported up.

Cynthia ".... Well i best get to stepping " she started to run up the stairs since she could not teleport.

Gwendolyn turned and looked at infernius still on the ground " ill go bring him up since we keep forgetting him ... im not a great friend i guess " she teleported over to him and tried to wake him up to bring him over.

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