Part 32 : war on the three realms (part two)

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( pov rain)

Eoin , skylor and the other gatekeeper person sora ? I think im normally good with names , they had already left while me , stella and Cynthia were preparing to head to the nether to fight back against the ender demon forces currently attacking there.

The end crystals are still working inconsistently which has my already worried soul worse off, still we cant just sit here and wait for them to work fully again if ever.

Though the real biggest thing im worried about is that Vanessa will not be in the nether with us and will actually be with lance and Gwendolyn in the overworld. I cant help but feel one day Vanessa is gonna learn what lance showed her was a trick to prevent her from knowing it was me who really killed Abigail.

And really we have no idea how powerful she really is , i mean killing her would be probably easy but it would definitely cause a rift between us and the nether so in the end both versions of that wont end well.

Mara appears to be staying in the end for a little bit while she is building some 'new toys' to help us fight. Apparently Elise and the rifts have offered to assist her and she's accepted by not by much choice. Time is not on our side so we need to get whatever we need done quickly.

As for what shes gonna make for us ? I dont know the other other scientist stuff ive listened to was back when azura explained how my old ice sword use to work ... also some weird lecture about science she gave me instead of a new armour set. Still a little bit annoyed about that if you ask me.

But once shes done she will help fight on whatever front needs backup most at the time.

Now with all that out of the way time to actually get ready and head to the nether again. I was bringing all the end crystals with me just incase they all end up working so i can stop any demons that get in my way. I am also brining my great sword. With all the fighting recently my current armour is a bit damaged so i had to grab a spare set but it will do the job.

Once all my things were packed i waited next to a nether portal Cynthia had made , after a few minutes both stella and Cynthia had showed up. Cynthia didnt have to grab anything but her axe since well we were heading to her home anyways. Stella tho was bringing a good few of her magic books and not much else worth talking about.

Stella " lets get going , we have a fight to get to" Cynthia walked through the portal first and me and stella then followed.

We arrived in Cynthias throne room which doesnt seem to have taken much damage surprisingly.

Cynthia " we pushed the demons back away from the castle and i have ghasts and blazes keeping them from flying in, the plan is to push them out completely and do not let them have a chance to have any chance to get backup before they are defeated" she put her axe on her back " you two can sort your things... and keep them in a safe place. The place you stayed here before should do" she began to walk out of the room.

" and what are you going to do ?" I asked as past by heading towards the entrance of the room.

Cynthia " this is my world now , im not gonna let some other realm fucks take it from me. Plus theres something i want to do before that which you dont need to care about" the way she said that last part had me a slight be concerned.

" well , lets put our stuff in the room and get ready to fight" we made our way through the fortress till we reached our room.

There's was one bed which we just left our stuff on , though i put the end Crystals under the bed for now to keep them slightly hidden.

Stella didnt seem so confident with my placement " you know that the glow is still coming through right ?" She said jokingly.

" well i dont have much options here do i ? " we slightly laughed together " now for now i will leave them here till i need them. Till then " i pointed over my shoulder to my great sword " this still does the job well enough"

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