17.- Desire Paradise

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Warning: This chapter contains sensitive content. That's why the fanfic was categorized as M.

Within the Grand Line, on a small winter island, although the designation of "island" seemed somewhat inappropriate as it was dominated by an imposing building resembling a castle, stood majestic, resplendent with lights of pink, red, and violet tones shining in the windows. In front of the grand main door stretched a wide staircase leading to the port, crowded with ships and vessels of all sizes.

This place was known as Desire Paradise, one of the most luxurious pleasure establishments, a more refined version of the term "brothel." Its popularity rivaled that of the famous red-light district and aspired to be as recognized as the underworld empress, Stussy.

Pirates, aristocrats, Fish-Men, marines, members of the Long-Arm tribe, and other characters congregated on this island, a place the Marines preferred to ignore. There, sex, drugs, and alcohol flowed freely, permeating every corner of the castle, whose motto was "any fantasy is possible."

In the main hall of the palace, music and lights dazzled the attendees, who danced, drank, and shared suggestive touches and glances. From this hall, several corridors opened into private rooms, where people requested exclusive services for at least an hour. At the back of the hall stood a heavy iron door that reached the ceiling, guarded by two velociraptors specially brought from Little Garden to prevent access to anyone who was not an employee or client, and to open and close the doors as needed.

Within the vast hall, lights flickered, creating a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere. Humans and other races danced in cages suspended in the air, while others moved gracefully on platforms, performing sensual pole dance movements. Along the sides of the hall, pools extending from the entrance wall to the back were occupied by sirens and Fish-Men who seduced clients with their aquatic charms.

From one of the doors of the private rooms on the lower floor, Sakura emerged accompanied by a client, her short hair slightly tousled. She wore a tiny bikini with a silk cloth at the bottom, barely covering her modesty. Around her neck, she wore a golden collar, distinctive of the pleasure house employees.

The man who exited the room with Sakura pulled out a wad of berries from one of his pockets and slid them into Sakura's bikini garter before giving her a squeeze on the buttocks and leaving. Once he was gone, Sakura's shy smile disappeared, leaving an impassive face as she surveyed the area with determination, treating each encounter as a calculated mission.

Being the only one capable of using chakra and detecting it, Sakura found her job of inducing her clients into a genjutsu that made them believe they had an incredible sexual encounter easier. Using her healing chakra in the brain, she released oxytocin and vasopressin to give them the best orgasm of their lives. Word soon spread, and people sought her out, and if people sought her out, she could extract more information.

Sakura had just completed a little over a week since she arrived. The changes in her life had taken a 180-degree turn since she woke up after falling from the sky during the destruction of the elemental island. In a way, these abrupt changes were beginning to become the new normal for her.


Sakura and Connor had danced and laughed, enjoying every moment together that seemed to fly by. As the night progressed and the drinks affected their moods, the atmosphere heated up with knowing glances between them. Finally, Sakura took shy Connor's hand and led him back to her inn. The excitement of what was about to happen led them past the innkeeper, almost completely ignoring him, and they didn't even make it to the safety of the room before they began kissing right in front of the door. The kiss was passionate, with both their hands exploring each other's bodies, until Sakura took a step back.

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