8.- The date

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Note: Remember that this is not my native language so if you see misspellings you would help me a lot by pointing out and explaining those mistakes.

Peace, order and development. The ninja world had reached a time of tranquility after so many wars until the end. Only one person somehow managed to survive that extinction.

'How can I live with them dead?' Sakura thought in the middle of a crisis.

Her mind was disconnected from her body until for fate's sake, Sakura came across the whitebeard pirates and her life took a 180° turn and entered a new chapter in her life. The last ninja has entered the great pirate age!

Once they were within a safe distance to not be followed, the two stopped walking and Sakura let go of Ace's hand.

The two stopped when they found a corner where no one could disturb them. They had proposed and accepted the appointment in the fervor of the moment, and without the pirates insisting, everything changed.

"Do you want to go on a date? If it bothers you, we can just take a walk, get lost for a while, and then come back," Sakura said. One of them had to take the first step, she didn't want Ace to do something that would upset him, It's not like they are in love with each other, and that is why they have decided to go out on a date. She wanted to give him a chance to let go at this point before it got more awkward.

Ace rubbed his hand on the back of his neck.

"It's not this," Ace said with a grimace. "I've never been on a date, I don't know what we can do."

"...Actually, I haven't been on a date either if we omit the two and a half minutes..." She tried to say it humorously. As she expected, their eyes met and they laughed at the situation.

"It's a bit strange," Ace said, brightened up now when he realized they seemed to have the same problem. "You should have some idea or heard from your friends, didn't you say they got married? Or they also had dates as short as yours."

Sakura laughed.

"I don't think there's another couple with the shortest date" Sakura scoffed. The awkwardness gradually faded as the two talked. She silently thanked it. "Our life was very busy, although after the fourth shinobi world war was relaxed with the peace treaty with the five great ninja nations-"

"Whoa!, Fourth shinobi world war? You haven't told us! What happened?" Ace exclaimed. Bright stars of emotion appeared in his eyes.

"I don't think discussing a war is the most suitable topic for a date," Sakura said playfully. Seeing him compose himself, clear his throat, and mutter a "you'll have to tell me another time" struck her as quite amusing. By then, she could carefully consider what she could tell him and what to censor. "I think the normal thing would be to go for a walk, have a meal, wander through the forest. It was very popular to go to the top of the Hokage monument, the highest point in the village, for a romantic candlelit dinner with flowers, and best of all, stargazing. Of course, that's out of the question now; there's no time. We'd have to find a high place, prepare with various things to do that, and from what I heard today, there's a new moon, so we won't be able to see the moon, which is one of the attractions of the date."

She had no idea why she mentioned the last romantic date option. Maybe because deep down she always envied all the couples who had that type of date and she discarded it when she realized that it would never happen with Sasuke. Once, when they were married, she mentioned it as a popular event among civilians, and upon hearing him say it was too cheesy, she decided to change the subject. It's not like she was able to keep thinking about that idea either, with her hectic lifestyle, she buried her romantic side, accepting the love Sasuke gave her and what she could offer him in exchange for it.

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