1.- Uncertain

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hello! First of all, I want to say that this story is mine, originally written in Spanish and since I have the goal of improving, that's why I decided to open this account and upload some of my stories in English.Hope you like.

Sakura felt a cold draft hit her face, her eyelids fluttering until she managed to open their eyes. She was disoriented and confused, her blurry vision gradually began to clear, and noticed certain things, first, the bright blue sky and the white clouds passed by her at a dizzying speed, second, her numb body hurt like hell and the chakra channels were at a critical level, and the last thing, she was falling straight into the sea.

Just breathing made her feel like she was breathing fire instead of air. A sizable trail of blood dripped from her body and forehead toward the sky from plummeting.

She heard groans next to her.


It took a few seconds until her cloudy vision made out Naruto's blurred silhouette. Naruto's arm with varying degrees of burns reached out shakily towards Sakura and tried to imitate him but her arm didn't respond.

'We're going to crash' Sakura thought just before falling unconscious again.

The second time Sakura came back out of unconsciousness she heard the sound of wood creaking with the gentle rhythm of the floor swaying from side to side. With a lot of effort, she straightened up and looked at the place, finding that she was in some kind of ship. Next to her, squeezed in a fetal position, were unknown people, they had a fearful and downcast face.

What happened? Where is she? What happened to her house? Just thinking her head began to throb and the vision blurred for a few seconds. Trying to move, the pinkead could barely process that her hands and feet had heavy chains to limit her movement.

At the back of the room, they began to hear the sound of footsteps going down some stairs. Her instinct told Sakura that she had to move. She used a little force until she felt the click of the chains breaking. By the time she did, a person, a man she couldn't recognize, leaned in front of her laughing unpleasantly.

"So you have a devil fruit," the man said. As Sakura's vision was still very poor, she only saw a dark spot.

Before Sakura could react, she felt a pinch on her neck. As a doctor recognized that she was injected with a drug.

"Naruto," She whispered before passing out, not before noticing that a necklace with a skull pendant with two x-shaped spears dangled from the man's neck.

The next time she opened her eyes, it took a few seconds for her vision to clear. Although Sakura herself felt very tired at least she wasn't about to faint like the other two times, so she was able to be aware of her surroundings. It was some kind of cold, dark cell.

Hearing moans and wailing next to her, she tried to turn towards the direction but she was stopped when she noticed a grotesque necklace tightening around her neck and another pair around her wrists.

'What happened?' Wondered in dismay. This place was nothing like what she had seen so far, not even in the mission where she went to the prison as a doctor to talk to Sasuke about the change in the mission.

"So you have a devil fruit." She remembered the man who spoke to her before passing out. She frowned in confusion. Devil fruit, in her years as a Hokage student she had never heard of a fruit with that name, it would be very hard to forget.

The kunoichi looked around hoping to find at least one familiar face among her cellmates. She had to hide her surprise when she paid attention to the people, they all had features and complexions that she had never seen before, and even one looked like a giant. A giant!

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