13.- A new territory

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Hello! At the moment, I have paused the translation of my fanfic "Flower of Two Worlds" to update "Butterfly Effect" in both Spanish and English, and "Flower of Two Worlds." Once I finish these two posts, the translation of "Flower of Two Worlds" will resume.

Once her eyes opened, Sakura had to blink several times as she adjusted to the light streaming in from the window in the room. Her initial perception was the familiar sight of the infirmary on Whitebeard's ship. The fog in her mind began to clear slowly.

Her gaze shifted to the side, where she noticed a stand with a blood bag and a saline bag connected to her arm. Nearby, on the bedside table, she saw a clipboard with a sheet on top. Out of habit, she reached for it and experienced sharp pains throughout her body, prompting her to groan. She lowered the sheet covering her and discovered bandages on her torso. It was then that memories of the bandits' cave and the brutal attack flooded back to her.

Despite the pain, she disregarded the twinges to move to the edge of the bed. Her mind focused on the children. She recalled Elliet and Ellie's frightened expressions during the attack and strained to stand, ignoring the pain from her feet to her head. She wanted to ensure that the three children in her temporary care were safe.

She could still remember Elliet's terrified face as she was held by her aunt while her back was being lacerated. She also recalled Ellie's expression when she sent her with Elliot to run across the island to safety with Whitebeard's pirates. She knew both were safe because Ace, Marco, Thatch, and the others had arrived at the mine. Still, she needed to see the three children she had under her care with her own eyes.

After a great effort, she managed to sit on the edge, holding onto the IV stand. She was sweating, and she was sure her wounds had reopened. For the first time, she envied Naruto and his great regenerative ability. She could use her Byakugo, but that would heal her completely, and she didn't feel the energy to explain the miracle that happened.

At that moment, Ace and Marco entered through the door.

"Ace, for the thousandth time, that food is not for you. It's for Sakura" Marco said.

"I'm hungry, and anyway, she's not going to eat it. You said she wouldn't wake up today" Ace responded, taking a spoonful of soup into his mouth.

When they looked at the bed, the spoon Ace held in his mouth slipped to the floor. Both were surprised that Sakura woke up so soon, considering the injuries she had. Although they felt a sense of déjà vu, those thoughts took a back seat when they noticed Sakura sitting on the bed, the bandages on her back stained with red, and signs of pallor and sweat in her attempt to get up.

The forgotten soup lay on the floor as both hurried to stop her. Initially, Sakura tried to resist, but with the resistance from both and her physical condition, her body did not respond completely, unlike her mind.

Finally, Sakura had no choice but to give in. With Ace and Marco present, the fog in her mind began to dissipate.

"Where are the children?" Despite being more focused on reality, her concern for the girls persisted. "I have to go see them."

"Sakura, you lost a lot of blood. It's a miracle you're awake" Marco said, surprised that she had awakened so soon and concerned about the potential damage her tissues might be undergoing due to the effort of getting up.

"I'm fine, it's nothing," Sakura said irritably. She had friends who had faced serious injuries and still got up. Why did they have to stop her? She always told her friends to rest, and it felt strange that they listened to her. Besides, being a doctor, she knew her own body perfectly well.

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