The beginning of the end! (For you my dear)

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And so it begins...

This is the beginning of the DRAMA! Hold onto your seats my glittering gems because it's going to get interesting!

Also this was my first time really writing a Twitter insert type thing so if it doesn't quite look correct, sorry 😓


Kristal...Kristal wasn't quite sure what to do.

She was supposed to know everything, supposed to be untouchable, supposed to be sadistic and mean as she forced the contestants to do painful challenges.

So why, why , did it feel like she wasn't in control at all ?!

It felt like the threads of her reality were slipping through her fingers, unable to grasp the last tendrils of power as they disappeared. There was an uncontrollable something that gnawed at her from the inside, twisting her every intention and every motive to be worse and worse, a desperate need for attention.

She didn't even acknowledge the outside world as she stared at her phone, eyes wide yet emotionless as her hands shook, tightening around the device in her hands so much she almost feared she'd break it (if she was even paying attention to that).

Without a word she shooed the magenta team away, silently motioning them to leave less they face the consequences. Fiore stayed a moment longer, an emotionless look on her face as she watched the hostess before turning and running to catch up with the other contestants without a word.

Something was breaking inside the raven, cracks created long ago now opening further further, gaps widening in her heart as it started to bleed, pouring the painful reality onto the phone in front of her. The ringing in her ears was loud, too loud, something akin to a heart monitor ( no, don't! Not again, never again! Don't take him from me- ) that kept beeping relentlessly, the approaching unchangeable future blaring sirens as it got closer and closer.

Her hands shook as they darted across the surface of the screen, intently reading over and over the exact same three lines. The plastic of her case dug into her fingers unpleasantly but she barely registered it, everything too far away to properly acknowledge.



Why couldn't everything go to plan?!


She didn't know when she arrived at the hosts (and interns/Co hosts) tent but she didn't care. She felt like a ghost, barely there as she moved to sit in front of the computer, fingers flying across the keyboard rapidly typing in a sentence she'd feared since the beginning.

She hovered over the enter button, fear gripping at her mind as she stared at it with which force she was almost surprised it didn't blow up, unable to move as every sense zeroed in on the very thing she wished never would've happened.

Her hand practically slammed onto it, desperation fueling every movement and thought and worry that ran through her, the sound echoing in the space around her, rendering everything else silent as it seemed the whole woods held their breath.

The web page began to load, her gaze burning holes into the screen as her patience diminished more and more with each passing second.


@DisventureCamp @KristalTheHost

The truth about disventure camp right here!

I don't have a home (anymore)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ