Hot Cocoa Adventures!

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hiii sorry this one took slightly longer! it physically hurt me to write so much fluff but oh well (you guys r lucky, ao3 is down so yall get the chapter first!).

like i said, yall get a treat today and shoutout to @RiverTheIdiotfor helping my indecisive ass about the next few chapters!


It was strange to go shopping, she'd entered the stores multiple times while being homeless, either to steal or simply do something with the mad amount of time she had, but she'd never been in them to actually buy something.

When she was younger her parents didn't take her shopping, they'd buy it online and she'd get it while at boarding school -there had been more then one instance where they'd gotten the completely wrong size and she had to send it back with a note of how tall she actually was (it didn't matter, she wasn't even sure they read it, because they never bothered to learn from their mistakes (they didn't try to))- and would just have to deal with it.

So it was strange to not only be able to walk around with the knowledge she could actually buy the items but also that she had a choice, she could choose what print and what style she wanted. The small flicker of hope grew ever so slightly as she ran around the mall, consequently reading the two lovebirds (trevek) with her as she went.

She wasn't really surprised when they'd told her they'd be accompanying her and not Kristal but she couldn't really be disappointed, as much as she was fun to test her intelligence and insults with the banter was just sometimes too heavy for certain situations, like shopping. Despite the pda that was very much so not appreciated, there were actually not bad, fun to taunt and sort of cute when they weren't eye fucking each other or making out every other minute (you don't want to know what she's seen).

At the very least when it was all over she'd have decent clothes that were her actual size for a couple months, though maybe she could convince the couple into letting her stay at their house for a little while, it was more then big enough and had one or two guest rooms...then again that meant they were sleeping in the same bed and she really did not want to hear them having sex.

Ya...she'd have to pass on that, she'd much rather her abandoned apartment building that had mold on one wall and on the other something sticky that she'd been warned to never touch by some of the other residents (she hasn't ever tried and probably never was going to, it looked disgusting).

Rolling her eyes she slipped over to the next shop she'd seen with semi interesting 'children's' clothing, snickering at the sounds of running feet as the two adults had to run to catch up with her (she had a feeling that if they lost her they'd be fired, they shared that sentiment).

It was a quaint shop, the walls were a pale pink and were decorated with light blue clouds, over all it had a very cutesy vibe to it which for once, she didn't actually seem to mind. Typically the other shops that had that style tended to overdo it to the point it almost made her feel sick to look at the inside, the pink to neon and bright that out reminded her of club lights, so all in all, most of the time not her type. This one however wasn't as bad, she could stand to actually look through what they had to offer for once.

"We're going to be by the accessories alright? Just call if you need us!" She hummed in response, barely paying attention as she flicked through piece after piece of clothing. While she didn't mind the ship colors too much it wasn't really her style or type of outfit. Too many rainbows and unicorns (the first time she'd seen one on a shirt she'd almost died of laughter) for her tastes, not to be bland but she didn't necessarily like...over the top type clothing.

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