Cleanse your soul (the moonlight will shine)

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Go watch my friends super cool animation on Instagram (it's the external link at the end!)


The tension in the air was palpable as they sat, flickering flames reflecting orange light onto them as they waited for the host to reveal who had to leave. The earlier disagreement between the two boys laid heavy on everyone's mind as they stayed in silence, no one saying to move an inch or say a word.

Fiore was worried, despite the fact that James's fight with Jake could possibly tip the votes towards him she wasn't counting on it too much, it was entirely possible their hatred and disgust for her overruled a mere petty argument that could be resolved in a matter of minutes if they had just gone over to the other team and cleared up the confusion.

She supposes this was one of the only times she'd be thankful for men being dumbasses with their ego overthinking logical thinking, I mean James literally won the last season -at least she thinks he did, she's not sure since she didn't exactly have access to a TV during the time it aired (yes there were TV's that broadcasted the show in shops and cafes but she hadn't exactly been eager to see the thing that messed up her life), because she swore she heard someone mention it- yet didn't think to take less than a ten minute trip to ask his boyfriend for a straight (not that they were) answer.

But that wasn't really important right now, what mattered at the moment was whether or not she was going home and it was all for shit. She almost wanted to sigh in annoyance, she'll have to go back to the shitty streets and wait for the day she can work legally to get enough money for another haircut, but of course not only would the other members of her group likely murder her it would confuse people as to why she cared so little about going home, so instead she gripped the edge of the lox she was sat on tightly with one hand and began biting the nails of the other (she wasn't actually, Kristal would kill her after how much of a pain it had been to keep her still for a manicure and she didn't exactly fancy dying at the moment).

"The final vote goes to..." you know how much of an annoyance it is when you're watching a show and they just keep dragging out the scene, with multiple camera views and intense music? Right well it's even worse when you have to sit through that happening live . Because in reality there is no music or intense zoom in, there's just awkward tension in mostly silence and cameras in your face.

" James !" Fiore could've sworn her heart had stopped beating for a couple seconds, head pounding as she stared at the sign that said the other contestants name. She almost wanted to believe it was a fluke, because there was no way they had skipped kicking her out over a petty rumor...right?

I mean apparently not if she was still here, if she was still sitting on a wooden log and not the one walking towards the opening of the park where a bus was sitting there waiting, and she almost wanted to laugh at how absolutely ridiculous the entire situation was.

"The gods have smiled upon me! I love to see another day!" The expression she wore was of malicious intent, an obvious plan brooding in her mind as she exaggerated her thanks to not being eliminated to the sky.

In reality, behind the mask, Fiore felt like she was in a trance, shock rattling her body enough to remove any sincerity in the words and faces she was making. She blinked and she was sitting on the log documenting her thoughts, she blinked again and she was sitting in front of the small camp fire they'd made, again and she was in the tent, surrounded by the sleeping bodies of her teammates.

She felt like she was on autopilot when she crawled out of the fabric shelter and into the frigid air of the night. Despite the warm days of summer the nights were full of cold wind and icy temperatures, the forest stealing the warmth the sun provided early on, clinging to like a lifeline so no one else could have it.

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