The Beginning of Fate...

330 8 15

She honestly should've expected it, her parents were not at all happy that she had lost. In fact they even made fun of her for making a fool of herself! It wasn't even like she wanted to go on the god forsaken show! They had signed her up without her permission and shipped her off just like they did to her boarding school. If anything, they should've been proud that she got as far as she did compared to everyone else, but noooo , since she didn't win or get any money out of it, they didn't care.

What amazing parents am I right?

The fight had been ugly, screaming so loud the neighbors didn't even come to yell at them to tone it down out of fear, insults and low blows teased between the six year old and the twins adults. Ya, picking a fight with a literal child was not a good look.

Anyway , it had devolved from simple reprimanding and insulting to full on fighting . She had to physically dive out of the way to avoid being hit by flying objects -that mostly consisted of bottles and the occasional plate (those were expensive so they used limitedly)-, she almost felt embarrassed that she'd been surprised by one of two that had barely missed taking an ear or her nose with it when it crashed against the wall.

In the end she managed to escape with only a few scrapes and one piece of glass on her arm, she had to admit that for how much better she got at dodging they also got better at aiming, it was like they were talking lessons just so they could hit her more accurately, like- how pathetic is that ?

Also escape was a... loose term, it was definitely closer to err- "If you don't leave this house within the next minute you won't be able to for the next fifty years !" Ya, that .

So she took her chance when she had it, grabbing the bag she'd brought back from disventure camp that was already packed and promptly ran out of there, though not before grabbing the money from her secret stash she'd been saving up.

From there she ran, there was really no other explanation for it than that, she let legs take her as far as she could possibly get before she collapsed, breathing ragged and labored as she sank to her knees in the back of some dingy alley.

It smelled like piss and vomit and she had to suppress her own urge to hurl as it attacked her senses. She suppresses she'd better get used to it since this was likely going to be her life for however long she was stuck out here...

With a sigh she looked around to see if she could find any shelter, the bus had dropped her off last and by now the sun was already sitting into the horizon which meant she had little time before it got dark, and she did not want to be out in the dark. Shuddering at the thought she shook her head to focus once more, a small perk of being a six year old meant she was small and if she hid properly, could go unnoticed by anyone who passed by.

From the corner of her eye she spotted a cardboard box, fairly large and with more than enough space to sleep in more or less comfortably without waking up with cramps and sore muscles.

After storing the box behind a fairly normal smelling dumpster -that didn't have a bunch of unknown liquid surrounding it- she poked her head out of the alley, glancing both ways before joining the flow of people walking, she tried to look as normal as possible as she observed her surroundings, she needed to be near somewhere that resembled safety like a bakery or a ...library .

(She shivered, skin turning prickly as a cactus as memories flashed through her mind involuntarily. Warm hugs and the smell of old books filling her with a sense of sadness. It was pathetic how much she yearned for that strange twisted feeling of home .)

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