Finding Flowers (Fiore)

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Honestly don't like how this turned out at all, it's sorta like I lost my train of thought halfway through and then the character's representations got messed up so it'll probably be really ooc but bare with me

Also two updates in one day?! Why am I and what have I done with jewel?! No I'm just excited to keep writing and last chapter was supposed to be posted yesterday soooo


When Trevor had left his house earlier he'd been annoyed, they couldn't find at least five of the contestants from season one to bring back for all stars and that meant that anger was taken out on him and his boyfriend. Especially because one of the main people Kristal wanted back was nowhere to be found.

Fiore's parents hadn't replied to any emails or actual mail, her boarding school refused to give a proper answer, only something along the lines of "well she's not with us and thank god for that." Ya, they weren't really getting anywhere with that and as the time to film got closer and closer, let's just say, everyone was getting stressed .

She'd been one of the most popular contestants and if they didn't have her back...views were going to drop drastically . While they didn't care about money as much as Kristal's father (Chris) did, they still needed it to continue producing new seasons and for that they needed her.

You'd think, "well it's an eight year old," he wasn't actually sure how old she'd be by now, "how far could she have gotten?" The answer was, probably really far, that girl was smart and had guts, she could be anywhere and they didn't have the time to check everywhere right now.

After delivering another letter to the parents house -they didn't try talking to them anymore, it didn't end well- he'd gone back home to his boyfriend, Derek, to cuddle while they ran through ideas. It has been obvious they are missing something, Kristal had made that clear enough, but they didn't know what and it was getting to a point where the stress was turning into frustration and the frustration into anger.

Between the hosts they'd already blown up seven times in less than a week at each other for otherwise minute and completely forgettable things. They were all high strung at the moment and it wasn't helping with their search, the worst part was that no one had seen or heard from the child manipulator in almost two years, she hadn't appeared in the news for any interviews like most of the other show's participants, she hadn't even appeared for some great discovery -like everyone thought. That child was smart so they assumed she'd discover something and make it to the news- and in the worst case, there'd been no sign that she died or got heavily injured .

She'd disappeared overnight and no one knew where.

To avoid arguing with his fiancé -or soon to be (he wasn't sure hope to propose)- over something as dumb as this (it was actually very important if they wanted to keep their jobs) he'd decided to go for a walk, let the crisp air and quiet city clear his senses (originally Derek hadn't wanted to let him leave cause of the dangers but he'd managed to convince him that he'd cook dinner).

Normally he'd jump at every possible noise the darkness made, the unknown scaring him, but honestly, Kristal sometimes scared him way more and when she was stressed... yikes . He hadn't seen anyone in over twenty minutes, a small spark of worry and fear making him finally decide to start heading home, when he noticed a figure. It was smaller and looked like a child, initially his older sibling instincts kicked in ( I don't know if he has a sibling but let's just say he always wanted one? ) and pity for the poor thing overtook him, but as he got closer he realized it wasn't just a lost kid, it was a homeless one -and by the looks of it, had been for a while.

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