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Beau or the baby drone who hear Alice voice then Stop performing surgery on Raptrax before then goes out the room leaving Raptrax exposed body that start to healing. Raptrax panting as he finally can stop laughing from feeling tickle from the surgery.

V: "aww i was hoping i get that next. Lucky for you Raptrax" *say in disappoint tone*

Cyn: "could you guys be serious right now?" *Ask while narrowing eye brows and struggles to free her seft*

Raptrax: "yeah... Serious... Give me a time to breathe..."

Suddenly their iron wrapped get open by it self. They three immediately stand up with confuse by it. On the other place, Alice while eating a batteries like a popcorn with Beau beside her watching the CCTV that show that they walk out from the room as they walk silently.

Alice: *giggle sinisterly* "time to watch some... Action!"

Alice then press a button that open a door that shown in the monitor before then several creatures walk out from there.

Uzi: "what are you doing?!!" *Yell her*

N: "that... That's Sentinel!!" *Shout N before groaned to break free same as Uzi and Doll*

Alice then look back to N while lean on her chair watching them try to break free as N force his absolute solver to destroy the chain but not show any significant changes as the magnet on his head really make his absolute solver not working well.

Alice: ".... You terrified huh? *Giggle* don't worry... Soon when they dead in several weeks you can take it after all. After all, your absolute solver is not working well now. So just give up and watch them die and-"

N: "like you?"

Alice immediately look at N with suprise again as he just mentioned that and it's true that Alice was watched all her remaining friends die in past and can't do anything at all that time.

Alice: *sigh* "you really know how i became like this huh? I'm start to question why you not become insane same as me now... I literally will love when i have friend to talk that really know me well... Heh, Beau? He just my friend baby that gave me to took care of... Right Beau?" *Pat Beau head before look at the monitor back*

Uzi: "you can't do this to us! If you want friend... You can just ask us kindly..."

Alice: "heh ask kindly? That's not how she do once..."

Uzi: "she? Who is this one you say now-"

N: "Uzi!... Don't...ask something you don't want to hear..."

Uzi and Doll look at N that now look away as he looks like know something. Alice look at them again especially N with Expression of disbelief as she notices now that N look like know something that she also know.

Alice: "y-you know it?" *Eyes start get widen*

N: *look at her not answering but just nod slightly*

Doll: "Н, что ты знаешь? (N, what you know?)"

They was a silent for a moment before Beau poking Alice shoulder before pointing to one of the monitor that Show Raptrax, V, and Cyn were running from the sentinels.

Alice: *immediately grin before eating the 'popcorns' again, try to not pay attention for the previous talk*

Raptrax on the other hand, threw a glasses to V before she use it to while Cyn just beheaded one of Sentinel before Raptrax and V now join the fight.

Alice: "oooh, Spicy"

V and Raptrax then attack the group before they make a combo of their duo that work pretty well, proved with them just kill 5 Sentinel in short time. Cyn that fight with her own fighting skill also work pretty well before suddenly one of them use the flash bang that Cyn Haven't had time to avoid it yet, immediately make Cyn get loading on her visor and paralyzed her.

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