We're prey not predator

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    V walk out from the room before slowly look at Raptrax that turns out to be N from another world or more can say another version of N that looking around like a kid who wondering in a hallway of this bunker. "N- Raptrax!" Call V before Raptrax immediately look back to V and immediately run to her before make his hair rub on V's thigh that just giggled at his act like a dog.

    V then patting Raptrax hair before he look up and make V notice that he found a glasses that similar to her's long time ago make him look less dangerous. "Hey you found a glasses, nice. But right now..." She take the glasses. "We need to look dangerous. Wanna hunt?" Raptrax immediately grin when V invite him to hunt.

On other place

    "They what?" Ask Uzi to J to say again. "They're N but... Different universe... I saw it... From the half of memory that Sexor has and get transferred to me when he..." Explain J as she rub her own belly as she start to feel the embryo start to move as three hours passed.

    "So you telling us that... He really tell you the information you ask and not just some sort of... Rape you?" Ask Lizzy. J nod "one time he do that and all the information i want to ask was already get answered. Like who he was? Where you guys come from? Why you guys become N pet... Wait, that's one still not get answered yet..." Say J just remembered that the vision doesn't show why Sexor become N's pet or some kind of his Subordinate.

    "И не забывайте, кто на них охотится? (And don't forget, who is hunting them?)" Say Doll as J said that they were running because get hunt by someone. "I don't think that important Doll..." Say Thad "Это важно. Может быть, мы сможем заключить союз с этим «охотником» (It is important. Maybe we can form an alliance with this "hunter")" say Doll about her idea for this.

    "Doll are you going to another universe just to find this hunter?" Ask Lizzy with smirk as she teasing her idea. "Я... Ух! забудь это! (I... Ugh! Forget it!)" Groan Doll as she doesn't know what to say again making them kinda find it funny that someone that serious like Doll can be like child.

    "By the way. What we gonna do when this... Child... Born?" Ask Lizzy while pointing J's belly "we kill it immediately" say Uzi while giggle sinisterly "Нет, мы можем сначала попробовать его, и если он приятный на вкус. Мы едим это хихихи (No, we can try it first and if it tastes good. We eat it hihihi)" say Doll back as they both start to giggle sinisterly and Lizzy just look at them with eyes that say 'seriously?'.

    "No. I'll take care of that later, and right now we need to take a rest... I feel something gonna happen tomorrow so prepare your guys self" say J before they all start to leave the hospital room and only left Cyn and J. "You too Cyn" say J "but-" J rise her hand to Cyn as she want to speak making Cyn not have a choice again and start walking to the door and before she get out she paused and look at J "J if you need something. You know my contact in your Visor" say Cyn that answered by J who nod before Cyn leave the room.

    J that now is left alone start to hug her own belly before whisper to herself "maybe I'll really become your mother since it's a fair deal. Information for a baby" J smile a litte before rub her Belly again as it doesn't look grow bigger but she still feel the life inside, J then laying on the bed and about to rest her self as she setting an alarm for 5 hours again To prepare for the birth.

In the city

    A several group of Worker Drones walking around to gather a piece of material and when one of them is looking at the thrash can it suddenly get strike from the sky and making a loud bang with smoke of snow in there. After it gone they all see V already kill it and now look at them with her sinister grin.

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