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Author POV-

Jungkook sighed heavily as he eyed the male sleeping beside him peacefully. He smiled and ruffled his hair, and walked out of the room, to get some fresh air. The air around that man suffocates him heavily. He wished, he guiltily wished that it was someone else who was sleeping beside him. But he got something else.

Jungkook always kept the hope within him that maybe someday, someday Taehyung will have the guts to stand up for himself for once, to make him his and maybe he wouldn't be kissing someone else right now, thinking that it was the aforementioned.

Jungkook liked jimin. In all honesty, but however, he could never love him. He could never love jimin the way "he" loved Taehyung. Jeon jungkook loved only one man and it was Taehyung.
Scratch that. He "could" only love Taehyung and no one else. Whatsoever.

Soon he felt a pair of arms wrapped around him as he knew who it was. He smiled slightly and kissed those hands which were wrapped around him.
"What are you doing here koo? It's so cold right now. Get inside." Jimin whispered softly as he saw jungkook turn around and peck his forehead. The submissive amongst the two, blushed lightly and hid himself inside that warm embrace.

"How did you notice my absence chim? I thought I was sneaky, honeybun." Jimin rolled his eyes at that flirtatious remark but soon gasped as he was pushed towards the younger by the aforementioned himself.

"How about, round two?" Jimin whispered. Jungkook placed his lips on the elder's as he picked him up in bridal style, absentmindedly imagining Taehyung picking him up like that.

*Why do I keep imagining you tae? Even after having such a beautiful boyfriend? Why?* Jungkook thought as he eyed the older who was naked and he looked exactly like an angel. Even though jungkook never loved the older, he sure did like him. He was a good fuck. That was all. Because the word never came in his mind when he thought of jimin. It comes along with the name kim Taehyung.




"Taehyung? Nummber 2 is asking for you!"

"Coming!!" Taehyung sighed as he marched forward towards an old lady, remembering her face as he served her order just a few moments ago.

" I heard that you called for me ? Ma'am?" The lady smirked lightly as she nodded and wandered her eyes towards the older's crotch.

"I would like you to be with me in room numbe-"

"I don't do shits. I'm just a bartender here and that's the only thing you will get from me. And that is drinks." Taehyung glared at the woman, as her eyes boiled from anger. She felt humilated since all of her friends were now laughing at her. She got up from the table and slapped the older. Taehyung just looked at the other way, not daring to look into her eyes.

"What the fuck did you just say? You? You fucking bartender have the audacity to reject me? It's a one time offer boy. Take it, or leave it." Now the attention spread towards the older and it was the least he wanted. Taehyung did not like unwanted attention. And he got just that.

"I'm leaving it. Do you want anymore drink-"

"Where is your manager? Who gave you that mouth to talk huh? I said I want you and I will get you and no one else. You fucking bartender-" she was about to touch his arm and when a hand prevented her from doing so.

The whole club was silent. Including Taehyung as his eyes went wide. It was the person he longed to see the most.

"And who gave you the audacity to speak shit about a person like that? He said he doesn't want to fuck. Then he doesn't. You have no right to push your opinion on others. Get the fuck out of here. Right now! With your minions." That person spoke, dead in his voice, lacking any emotions.

"And who are you that I will listen to you? Are you his fucking partner or-"

"The owner of this club? Jeon jungkook? The ceo of Jeon enterprises? Ever heard of that name? Or you turned deaf?"

"W-what? Wh-why and h-"

"GET. OUT." All of the persons from that table walked away hurriedly as jungkook glared at those who kept looking at their direction.

"Did he ask you all to stare? No right? Then get back to business fuckers!"  And all of them looked away instantly.

Jungkook slowly turned towards the older but did not look into his eyes.

"Why did you not stand up for yourself here also? Are you that much of a sacredy cat? *Chuckle.* I guess I already have an answer Don't I?"  Taehyung did not get to say anything as he was too stunned to speak and jungkook had already left. Finally coming back to his senses, he ran towards the younger and kept calling out his name.

"Jungkook? Jungkook wait! Please!" But jungkook paid no heed. He did not even turn once. At last, not knowing what to do, he said the only thing which came in his mind.

"Stop if you don't want me to die!" And jungkook finally stopped walking. Taehyung sighed in relief as he marched forward and made the younger turn towards him.

"I- I'm sorry jungkook! I love you koo! I love you so so much that it hurts to see you with someone else! P-please give me a chance! I was a coward to not accept my feelings then but now-"

"Now your what? Now you have the capabilities to support me? I don't think so. I don't think so because rich men don't work in clubs. And certainly aren't afraid of judgements. And you don't have any of those qualities.

I- I waited day and night for you to say something, make a move but you didn't. If you think that making money is everything then it's not tae. Just being with you is enough for me. And you lost the chance there and then when you did not say anything and watch jimin propose to me.

I loved you- so so fucking much b-but you- fuck I still LOVE YOU! but it's all so complicated and and-"  jungkook started crying as he kept wiping his tears but they just won't stop. Just then, he felt a pair of lips on his and he was about to push back but that felt so good, like no other, as he kissed back with equal passion. He cupped the older's face as he kissed him more, and the latter complied immeadiately.

Just then everything came shattering down when jungkook realised that he was practically cheating on jimin, so he pushed the older with full force and walked away hastily.

Taehyung's eyes shed one tear as he wiped them off and kept standing there, frozen and cold. 

"Have i- lost the chance?"

𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 ♡/TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now