False Realities

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"Sir! Sir!"

A voiced boomed, jolted me from my slumber, my senses slowly started to come back. The radiant scene unfolding beyond the car window, the city shimmered under the cloak of night; its myriad lights resembled to distant stars in a celestial tapestry. Amidst the urban symphony, a chorus of diverse souls traversed the streets, each a silent protagonist of their stories in city life.

I blinked away the remnants of sleep, my gaze settled to my right, I found a 27 years old man, who manned the driving seat with practical ease. His eyes reflecting concern as he inquired my weariness.

"Sir, are you tired?" he asked

Suddenly it dawned up on me that he is my subordinate, Abhi. I nodded, a faint smile tugging at my lips.

"Yeah, I am feeling a little bit tired," I admitted, grateful for his understanding.

"Sir, your phone was ringing, that's why I called you," he explained. Guilt gnawed at me, and so, I apologised for my unintended slumber.

"I am sorry, I shouldn't have fall into sleep, while you're driving," I said.

"It's okey, sir," Abhi said fleshing a reassuring smile, casually dismissing my concern.

I retrieved my phone from my pocket, discovered some missed calls from my wife.

"It's my wife," I said.

"Sir, I think you're so lucky," Abhi remarked, his eyes reflecting a hint of wishfullness. "Your wife loves you a lot."

I chucked softly, offering a playful nudge.

"I think, you should get married too," I teased. A self-deprecating smile graced Abhi's lips.

"Who would marry me? I am not even handsome," he quipped, his tone laced with humor.

I tried to countered with a genuine compliment.

"I think you're handsome," I said, gazing down on my phone.

I raised my head toward him, before Abhi could even respond, the tranquility of our exchange shattered in an instant. My gaze snapped towards the impending danger, from the side a colossal truck barreled towards us with terrifying speed.

"Abhi!" I cried out, panicking I reached out my hand instinctively. I closed my eyes when the fear of impending doom gripped me. Darkness enveloped my senses, and I braced myself for the inevitable. In that moment, thoughts of my wife flooded my mind, and regretting not calling her back for the last time.

As time passes, the darkness persists, and I find myself gripped by fear at the thought of opening my eyes. Yet, mustering every ounce of courage within me, I force my eyelids to part, bracing myself for whatever awaits.

"Why the fan is spinning so slow," I said, the room greed me, the ceiling fan lazily turning above. I realised I was laying on my bed, a relief flooded me. It all had been a nightmare.

Turning to my right, I beheld the peaceful sigh of a beautiful women, my sleeping wife. A gentle smile played on my lips as I absorbed the features.

"You're so beautiful when you're sleeping," I whispered, careful not disturb her.

I turned to my bedside table and reached for my phone. Its luminous display reviled the morning hour, prompting a realization, as I decided for a predawn walk, I thought it might clear my mind.

Attempting to rise from the bed, I found myself standing on the side. A gentle, half-awake voice, belong to my wife, reached my ears, inquiring about my destination.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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