Chapter 43: sorted

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Flori poured out his heart to Macy as they sat in a little alcove in the garden. When he finished, both of them had tears running down their cheeks, and Macy said simply, "I love you, Flori, I love you."

"I love you, Macy, and I hope it's Florina you love because it's going to be Florina full-time from now on."

"Even better, my darling."

"Macy, I want you to come back to Calmont and move in with me at the house, will you please? My parents will support both of us, they want to."

"Oh, Flori, your folks are great, but are you sure they won't mind?"

"Mind? They'll be delighted, I can assure you."

"What about Calmont? Will they have me back?"

"Their star student? They'll be delighted as well. Everybody's missed you, Macy, and me most of all."

As they sat there exchanging their teary smiles, they heard someone discreetly clear their throat. Mrs Connelly was standing there looking at them with a slightly questioning expression.

"Am I to take it that there has been a reconciliation?"

"Oh, yes, Mrs Connie, very much so." Flori grinned back at her.

"Macy, this young scamp wormed his way into my heart a long time ago. I allow him liberties that I won't tolerate from others, so please look after him for me."

Macy laughed, "He's my scamp now as well and I'm certainly going to be looking after him."

"Good. Now, you two still have some official duties to perform, so tidy yourselves up and get back in there. Here, I bought your bag, Macy."

As Mrs Connelly walked away, Macy rummaged in her small clutch bag and pulled out a mirror and lipstick. "Shall I put some on you?"

"Ha! Not now, later."

On their return, they saw that Preston was now dancing with Selma.

"Babe, Adele told me that those two were going out together."

"Yep, exactly right."

"She can be pretty bossy. How's Pres handling it?"

"Okay, it seems, and I tell you, love, there's another side to Selma."

"Oh, what's that?"

"Don't worry, you'll see soon enough."

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