Chapter 13: caught out

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They had been in the house for six weeks and were beginning to feel relaxed. It was Saturday and Florian was going for a walk straight after breakfast. He had been wanting to have a walk around the local streets and have a closer look at all the fancy houses since they had come here. Today was the day.

It would have to be as Florina, of course. Smiling to himself he thought, "You know, I might dress up a bit today. I'll wear my yellow beret and give Mrs Stein (and myself) a bit of a treat, and I may as well go the whole way and give that mini skirt Irene gave me an outing as well."

She's been gone about half an hour and was quite enjoying herself when a car pulled up at the kerb next to her.

Oh, fuck!

Macy leapt out of the car and ran over. "I knew it was you. My, my, don't you look gorgeous, and that cap, terrific. But what's this all about, Flori, you sneaky thing?"

Adele came over and Florina looked helplessly from one to the other. Adele took pity on her, "Florian, it's none of our business, you don't have to say anything."

"Ahhhh," complained Macy.

Florina shook her head from side to side, "It's not quite what it seems, girls, it's all a bit complicated (sigh). I guess I'm just going to have to explain it to you and ask you to keep it a secret."

"Of course, we'll keep it a secret, Flori," Macy responded immediately.

"Let's go and sit in the car," Adele suggested.

Florina told all.

"Flori, you're just fabulous. So every time you go out, you have to dress up as Florina?"

"Yeah, Macy, I have to dress up in case Mrs Stein or any of the neighbours spot me."

"And it's also why you wear those sort of in-between clothes, isn't it, so that you can be one way or the other?"

"That's right."

"Ah, Flori, You're a real treasure. I'd love to see this 'perfect house' of yours. Will you show it to us?"

"The other guys will still be there, Macy."

"That doesn't matter."

"Cool it, Macy. If Flori doesn't want to . . ."

"Oh, what the hell. Come on, I might as well show it to you."

The Perfect HouseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora