Chapter 37: a new club

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The six completed their exams and were all confident of passing. They had some celebratory drinks at the bar of the university student union. It was a Friday night and as they were leaving after a couple of hours, Flori said to Macy, "You'll want to go clubbing tomorrow night, won't you?"
Macy bit the side of her lip and gave him her appealing smile. "Yeah, and babe, I've heard about a new club called the Queen's Seat. Apparently, it caters to the queer community, you know, gays, lezs, trans and so on. Do you want to give it a try?"

Flori pulled a face and replied, "Why not. We can always leave if it's crap."

The club was fun. There was a good-sized crowd and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. There were some pretty strange get-ups although most of the people were dressed quite normally. People tended to be quite open as to their status and sexual orientation - Macy declared that she was a lesbian and Florina admitted that she was a transvestite.

They fell in with a group and were having a good time drinking and laughing. Then later in the night, one of the group passed around some pills - "Come on, this will give us all a lift."

This was something new for Flori and Macy and they assumed that they were ecstasy tablets (perhaps they were) but they thought, "What the hell" and popped them into their mouths.

They were dancing: Macy with one of the women and Flori with a man. Macy was being wild and stupid - "She's off her head," Flori thought, but she felt weird herself.

Macy and the woman were kissing and then the woman guided them towards the back of the club.

"Where are they going?" Flori giggled.

"Down the back. Shall we go too?" The man pressed Flori against himself.

"Why, what's there?" More giggling.

"Come on."


At the back of the club, there were several closed-off private booths. Flori watched as the man she was with paid an old woman behind a small desk some money. Wobbling her head around, she saw Macy and her dance partner going into one of the booths.

The man led Flori into the booth he'd hired.

"This is silly," she thought, "he knows I'm not a real girl."

"At least he's using a condom," was probably the only sensible thought that Flori had during the whole process as she giggled and laughed while the man had sex with her.

Emerging from the booth, the man put his arm around Flori and said, "That was really good, sweetheart. We will have to do it again."

"Again?" Flori gasped as the realisation of what he had just done came home to him. He looked at the man aghast, and then he ran  - through the club and out the doors into the street. Casting about wildly, he found a taxi and threw himself into it.

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