Chapter 17: a nightclub outing

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On the Saturday afternoon, Flori and Macy went along together to consult Irene about the appropriate clothes to wear to a nightclub. Irene, who was keeping abreast of developments, was quite pleased to meet Macy, but she was also starting to wonder just how far Florian was going with this dressing-up stuff. In fact, she was beginning to suspect that Florian, who had initially only done it under sufferance, might actually be beginning to enjoy it, at least on occasion.

Nevertheless, she was happy to continue helping and set about getting the 'girls' sorted out.

Macy had brought along some of her clothes, but Irene lent her a few more items and accessories. She fitted Flori out completely, top to toe.

She helped them with their hair and make-up and by the time they had finished late in the afternoon, they looked really good.

"There you go, a couple of gorgeous disco chicks," Irene remarked with smug amusement as she looked over the results of her makeovers.

"Irene, thank you so much."

"You're just fabulous."

"Okay, now off you go and have fun, but I want a report on how it all goes."

"You betcha on both counts."

Flori drove them to the house. They were going to hang out for an hour or so, have dinner and then go off to the nightclub later. Florian had told the boys the previous night that Macy had talked him into going to a nightclub with her as Florina. They were amused.

When Macy and Florina arrived at the house they found that Bobba was out, but the other two were home. Preston saw them as they came in.

"Hey, what a couple of hot-looking babes," he declared, and then yelled out, "Harold, come and have a look at this pair."

Harold came down the stairs and was equally impressed, "Wow, a couple of real knockouts."

"It's all your sister's work, Harold."

"She's an artist."

"Hey girls, how about Harold and I escort you to the nightclub, whadda you say?"

"No bloody way. Macy and I are going for the experience . . ."

". . . and for the fun," put in Macy.

". . . and we don't need you two cramping our style."


The 'girls' intended to use their student cards as ID for entry into the nightclub.

"This could be a bit dodgy, Macy. I guess if they notice my name, I could say that Florina has been misspelt, that it's always happening."

"The photo's a bit of a shocker too, Flori. You can claim that you mistakenly thought that you weren't allowed to wear make-up or smile for the photo shoot."

"It is a shocker, isn't it? My face looks like a death mask."

"We'll be right."

They were, they got in easily.

They had a ball. They danced together, they danced with other girls and boys, they laughed a helluva lot and deflected several advances and offers to 'take you home' or 'go somewhere else'. Florina was handling her girl role without difficulty . . . then they ran into a couple of other students they knew from Calmont.


But the other students didn't seem to be at all fazed by Florian/Florina's get up, and after a bit of a chat, passed on their way.

"Macy, what's going on? Didn't they realise who I . . .?"

"Flori love, I think a lot of the people at uni aren't sure whether you're a boy or a girl. Why worry about it, come on let's dance."

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