"He's dead, mom. I killed him." Santiago admits in a low voice. So low I barely hear him. Silence suffocates the room and everyone in it. Cade was a cruel man, but he was still her husband. The man she had 3 children with and who she was married to for over 40 years. It's still going to hurt. I also notice how Santiago doesn't apologize because he's not sorry. I've looked at him for the past 3 hours, and I can't find an ounce of regret in his eyes. In his eyes his father was disposable, a waste of space. He didn't care for him, didn't waste his breath on him. Until I came into the picture, his father was a threat to me—our family—so he made a decision. He chose. He chose me.

Stella seems to be in a trance, far away from here. No tears cloud her eyes she just looks gone, then in an instant she's back. As if her son didn't just tell her he killed his father and her husband.

"Matteo, come," She beckons Matteo over with the wave of her hand. He looks shocked for a moment before stalking over to her side. She smiles up at him and interlaces her fingers with both of her boys. She has a smile on her face, but I don't miss the light sheen to her eyes. Stella clears her throat before speaking.

"I am sorry that your father became the way he was. I am sorry that the man I loved faded away after time and was replaced by someone who made you feel less than greatness." She turns to look at Matteo, placing her palm on his cheek. "You are perfect Matteo but you aren't supposed to be. And you," She shifts her attention to Santiago. "Don't ever become like him, be like you." The tear she was trying to restrain finally slips. Santi is quick to swipe it away with his thumb. She gives a small smile, her smile lines peaking through.

"Mis hijos, all of you are so bright. Don't waste it, I taught you better than that." She looks to Cam and Alex over on the couch when she talked, including them as her boys. (My sons,)

"Okay," She bends over to kiss Santi's head and raises on her tiptoes to kiss Matteo's even though he has to lean down for her to actually succeed. Once she gets her kisses, she lets go of their hands and heads toward the door.

"I'm done crying over that bastard. I've mourned him enough. I'll be back, I'm going to get food and talk to the doctor about you too. Adiós, te quiero." The door slams shut behind her and we all just look at each other for confirmation that that just happened.

It definitely did though and it's one hell of a way to grieve.


After another day of observation, the doctor lets us go home. I don't really want to go back to Mila and Alex's home though. I want my own home. One that isn't tainted with the memory of me killing my father.

"We have to get our own place." I say to Santiago as he is responding to what seems like 1000 emails, however me speaking immediately grabs his attention.

"That seems like a good idea. There's this house down the street from Mila and Alex's. We can go look at it while we're still out." Santi suggests nonchalantly, I don't remember there being any houses out here besides theirs. Maybe I missed it.

I agree and ask Mila if we can stop by it seeing as that her and Alex are the ones actually driving. A wide smile stretches across her face, showing off white, straight teeth. I don't know why she's so excited, we haven't even seen the house yet so we can decide if we want it or not. She nods, quickly agreeing and driving faster. I just brush it off as excitement and look over to Santi to see if he saw her reaction.

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