Chapter 35

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I open my eyes and blink away the sleep. I take a deep inhale and scents flood my lungs. Mahogany, whiskey, mint, Desoto. I rub my open palm across the sheets, still warm and smell like him. I sit up but stop all motion when my head starts to swim. God, how much did I drink. I get up with the pace of an elderly woman with a bad hip.

I drag my feet all the way to the bathroom, and almost fall on my ass twice. My head is pounding like someone is going at it with a sledgehammer. I pop some Advil and brush my teeth before going downstairs. I hear clattering and conversations happening in the kitchen, so I follow it. Everyone is sitting at the except for Stella, who is cooking, and Cam, who is just spectating and keeping her company. Cam notices me first and beckons me over.

"How's that head of yours?" He asks throwing an arm around my shoulders once I reach his side. I almost tumble over from the sudden addition of his weight. Cam is lean and skinny but he's damn tall.

"Pounding." He grins at my suffering and squeezes my shoulder. He turns to his left and comes back facing me with a glass of green liquid.

"Here," He hands the drink to me and I look down at the contents of the sloshing, green substance. "Mama S has the best and quickest hangover drink known to mankind. If you also eat some eggs and bacon that she's making right now too, you'll be as good as new in 30 minutes." I grimace at the thought of drinking or eating anything right now, but I don't feel like having a hangover for most of the day. I throw back the green drink, and just as I finish Stella announces that breakfast is ready and makes me a plate.

I sit on the kitchen island and eat my breakfast, not yet greeting anyone. As I eat I realize I'm not in my clothes from last night, or my clothes at all. Whose shirt is this?

"Hey, just to let you know I have some pictures of the possible men that hurt you. I know you probably aren't in the mood to now so just let me know when you're ready." Cam nudges my side in a comforting manner, giving me a soft, caring smile. I feel my hangover starting to fade, so I might as well do it now and get it over with. Even if I was blackout drunk I'd never forget their faces, their laughs, their smiles.

"I can do it now if you're ready." I say. He seems surprised but nods his head regardless. "Great. Meet me in Alex's office in 15 minutes." He agrees and goes off to get his stuff ready. I hop off the counter and immediately regret it when a wave a dizziness tries to kill me.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Mila asks, creeping up behind me. I take a deep breath and collect myself.

"I'll be fine soon. Did you change me last night?" I ask, still confused with what I'm wearing. Definitely a man's shirt. It smells like Desoto, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was his but I don't remember changing.

"No, I didn't. Santiago took you to your room it was probably him." Did I give Desoto a peep show? I didn't sleep with him. I hope I didn't. Mila quietly snickers at me and I throw a glare at her. Her laughing slowly subsides, and she shakes her head at me.

"Well, keep me updated on that. I have to go get my sister from the airport. Gender reveal today, remember? I'll be back in an hour. Wear what color you think it'll be." She rambles and then quickly walks off. It's amusing seeing Mila and Alex have a kid. Especially thinking of how it could play out. Daddy's little princess that
can do no harm, or a copy and paste assassin. Cute.

I go over to the kitchen table and greet Silas. All I get is an incoherent sentence because his mouth is full of eggs. Desoto is sitting right next to him drinking coffee and responding to emails. I bend so my lips are at his ear. I make sure to whisper so Silas or anyone else at the table won't hear.

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